

New member
okay so, i know this may sound pretty odd but ive been going through some odd mental stuff nowadays. for the past months ive noticed that, i have a certain way of breathing, and if i dont do it right ill get seriously sick. i even have this theory that my brain is telling me to be sick but im not sure. this other thing i do is i think eveything is contaminated, and that id have to wash my hands at a super clean sink, or else i wouldnt be able to make it through the day. i have to be careful about the things that i look at, hear, touch, or think about. even the things that i wear, i have to make sure they arent contaminated. this brings me to my repetitive thoughts. sometimes its quite hard to get to sleep. un wanted thoughts come into my head, sometimes they get so intense, i think i can actually hear them. i cant get them out, and may have to recite a prayer ritual. i have this way of thinking, that if i dont do any of the following: checking for contamination, cleaning, washing my hands, praying, and breathing in a spicific way, dier consequinces will happen. thoughts of a love one dying, come to mind a lot, and i try to avoid thoughs situations, but i cant seem to get them out of my head. this all really bugs me. and i hate it. does it sound normal? or am i just utterly crazed. does this deserve therapy?
thanks ♥♥<3


Well-known member
That's OCD. :( You could use therapy and maybe medication. But it's not too bad yet, so I'm sure you'll be fine!
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