

Hi everyone! I have been looking around here once or twice a week for a little while and thought I should finally join in. I have had SA for 8 years and lately I had noticed that things were worsening day by day. Today was one of the greatest days I have had in a very long time because I finally built up enough courage to go talk to the family doctor about my SA. I was terrified of course at first about talking to him about it, but as we talked more and more about it I felt better and better and now I feel sooo much better about myself! I actually broke down in tears while talking with him because I was so happy and relieved that I was finally going to get help. As of now I have lost all of my friends I had in high school and have been having a very hard time getting through my second year of college. I am still living with my parents, which I am not ashamed of by the way, and currently do not work. My SA has been causing me to become depressed lately because I am unable to work effectively with others at school (I am in a small-group speech class) and I am unable to make any new friends. I find myself sitting alone at home most of the time and it hurts a lot. I have even been having suicidal thoughts lately and this is what scared me the most into getting serious help. Both of my parents are currently on meds for depression by the way. It feels great now, though, knowing that my condition will hopefully only get better with the help of a psychiatrist and possibly meds.

I would like to share something that has helped me quite a bit with making myself feel better and ridding me of some of the anxiety I have been having. I found in another thread on this forum a link to a video with a famous English hypnotist name Paul Mckenna. The video was supposed to help rid of any phobia a person may have. That video didn't really work for me, but it still got me interested in other things that this Paul Mckenna guy had made. I found this audio file on his own website http://www.paulmckenna.com/download.php and listened to it right before I went to bed. After I listened to it I was completely stress free and I felt absolutely great! I even had less anxiety the next day at school. I would definately recommend anyone to try it out, if anything it will make you feel a lot better even after a very stressful day. I also downloaded his "Positivity" CD (illegally) and that is full of amazing tracks that help me feel better and think more clearly. If you would like to know where to download this message me, I don't want to get in trouble posting it here.

Well, I look forward to learning more about all of you and helping the best I can! I'll try to keep you updated about my treatments and what not and hope it will be beneficial to you all. Thanks! :D


Hi Feaster

Just thought id say welcome to the site and that,im sorry to hear youve been suffering for so long :( But its great youve told your doctor,theres a lot of different things they can offer (if you keep finding it difficult to talk write stuff down that helped me) you might get refered for somthing called c.b.t therapy which can help alot its worth looking that up aswell as its one of the most effective one for sp i think,and yeah meds can make a difference 2.

I cant speak for everyone with depression,but i get suicidal thoughts alot and i know its awfull when things look that bleak but as your finding things can get better when you try different things the gyms helped me the most cos apart from that i dont really go out,and people on this site are really great & understanding i dont come on much anymore but when ive been suicidal people have talked to me when ive had no one else and ive made some close mates so never be scared to ask for help

ill check out this Paul Mckenna dude aswell ta for the link 8) hope ya keep making progress with things

Take care


Thank you Danfalc for the warm welcome! Although I have felt suicidal in the past, I don't think I will have to worry about it happening again. However, if I do somehow I feel good knowing that I will always have someone to talk with about it. I'm a 19 year old male by the way, I just realized I didn't quite make that clear in my first post. Thanks again!


:lol: dont worry i wasnt hitting on you if thats what you thought,and i didnt really mean personaly me cos i dont come on this site much tho if
someone messaged me id do my best to help so its not unwelcome like but i ment the forums or in general.. ive posted about serious stuff b4 on the general forums, and always received alot of support.

Glad your not getting that bad you feel suicidal,and its great your going college aswell i dont think i could handle that :? Anyways make sure you check out c.b.t when you can,your already doing ace and putting yaself in hard situations college ect.. i reckon it could really help you.