

Hi everybody, i'm keith im 24yr old from northern ireland and have had sp for the last 6 years, these last few months have been tough going for me and it was only last week that i found this site, reading everybody's comment have so made sense to me, i didnt realise there was a name for the the thing which repels me to go out anywhere and have craic with other people. Any way thanks for reading. Chatya :?


Well-known member
Hi Keith - kj - I have also found a sense of solace at this site (if you don't mind me putting words into your mouth) I didn't know what i had -the name of it - until a couple of years ago and i've been suffering this for a long time. I can also relate to most of the comments on this site. It's comforting to know i am not alone and that there are people out there who understand what i am feeling and going through.
"craic" - from my movie experience that would be Irish for having a laugh and a good time. I'm the same, no craic for me either.


Thanks RedLady/grumblina, if feels good to have a reply from somebody who know what the story is, its very hard in my one street town for people to understand, everybody kinda knows what your are like but they dont really because all the've heard is throught chinese whispers if you know what i mean, i hate that, by the time you start staying in( for what ever reason) it kinda grows on you to a point where u want to go going out but when ever u do people ask u where have u being?(am being paranoid) what u doing with yourself? but all i can feel is let me get out of here, it was such a change from the old outgoing cool popular keith, people didnt understand, so i stayed in for the next six years, pretty sad but man its tough!!


Well-known member
I know the feeling of not being understood and i don't dare to try and explain it. And about the comments - i get them from my family and that when i do go out and it shits me - they always make a big deal and carry on, " Oh my god she's out why isn't it raining" and so on. So you can see why i don't even bother to explain my situation to people like this.
I know man, it is tough. I've decided to get some counselling to help me with this and i am going to stick with it this time. I'm on medication which seems to be helping me and should make the counselling a little easier. The thought of being like this forever terrifies me.


thanks redlady, i to am on medication, have been for the last six keeks, i to am going to see the shrink but have kinda been putting it off for the last week or so,its hard to build up the courage to go, even thought i know it is going to help me, but if you want to beat this thing then you have to get out there and just do it, even if it fails at least its a step in the right direction( am trying to keep positive, thats my new thing positive thoughts, positive thoughts) but as i said before man it's tough!! am glad to know somebody who's had the same experiences.its helping! chatya


Well-known member
Hello Kieth and welcome to the board. I have struggled with this for like 7 years now (I am 23). I am super scared of seeing a psychiatrist but I will soon have to since it just gets worse and worse. Especially dating, I can't even hold a relationship! I try to keep positive and just go on with my life.