

New member
Hi, I just joined this site. My therapist suggested I do this. So here I am. I am 31 years old and am afraid of people. It comes from being bullied iin junior high and high school. My relatives haven't been so great to me either. My mother has been great though. She's been my best friend. Anyway, I just feel like my life is passing me by and I'm never going to meet a great guy, have kids, have my own life. I'm afraid to connect with people and feel out of place. When I reach out to someone like to do something fun, it seems like the person can't do it for some reason. I worry about why this happns. I'm not sure what I do wrong but I'd sure like to know. I have started attending a book club but it's only once per month. I'm scared to go but go anyway. I know I should try harder to connect with people at the book club but I just feel like nothing will come of it anyway. I have a hard time thinking of stuff to talk about with people. I feel like I disappear into the crowd. That's my story. I hope to find someone on this site I can talk with. Thank you for reading my post. :)


Well-known member
Hi, i think its brave of you to go to that book club once a month, i could never do something like that, sounds like your still trying and im sure theres hope for you then.