

New member
Well i've lurked here for long enough, I thought I should Introduce myself!

I am from the UK & I have struggled to work out why I feel anxious around people my whole life.. I've always been labled a loner and the quiet one in the group, And thats not who I want to be anymore!

I am coming to terms with the fact I probally have SA, although anxiety creeps its way into all aspects of my life.

I found keeping a journal helps me, I look back through it when I add an entry and re-evaluate my anxious thinking from the previous entry.

I figure the next step is to talk to people that feel the same as me (I keep putting off going to see my doctor again)

You all seem very welcoming here and I hope one day I can support people as they have supported me through reading these forums.
Whew thats an introduction and a half!