Hi there!... newbie here


New member
Hi all,
I'm 23, I haven't been formally diagnosed with SAD, but I'm pretty sure I have some form of it. I've just always thought that mine was a very minor form. I've been reading up on it though, and just finding out about the symptoms, and knowing that there are other people that have felt the same way makes me feel better. I've realized I could potentially have more than just shyness, and that the way I react to situations is not as minor as I thought. I don't have panic attacks when I get into uncomfortable situations, but I bawl my eyes out after, when I'm by myself again, and feel really really low because I go into the situations telling myself that this time it'll be different, that I'll dress up nicely, and prepare things to say, and I'll do fine... but then when I get into them, it feels like a knife has been lodged in my throat, and I end up answering in monosyllables and not venturing to say anything at all. I smile and act like I'm having a good time for the sake of my friends, who ARE having a good time, so they won't think I'm a kill joy for not having fun myself... and all the time I'm just getting more and more upset about how I'm acting, and I get frustrated about not acting upon it because I know it just makes me feel more awkward the longer I prolong it. I feel like apologizing before hand, before I meet new people, because I think it must be agonizing to stand

My boyfriend is very understanding about the way I am -- we got together even despite my fear of meeting people. We actually met online, so before I met him, I told him how I would probably be weird and quiet and awkward and he'd probably not have a good impression. He surprised me when we met, by bringing a notebook along so we could start from there -- kind of simulating talking online, but working up to actually talking face to face. I felt really happy that someone would even think of something like that because writing is my life. I love words. I write fiction and poetry, and essays on random things just for for the fun of it. I often think that if I could talk to people the way I write, my life would be so much easier. I trusted him all the more for his thinking of the notebook, and I found that I easily progressed to being able to talk to him without worrying. I've found that getting to know him was wonderful, and that he's a remarkable person with astounding patience with me... He says he can tell me things that he can't tell other people, any of his friends. It's just his personality I guess. I don't want to go into too much detail but we fit really well. Make up for each others' weaknesses. Even though we don't use the notebook to talk now. We sometimes go back and have conversations through it just because it reminds us of how we met.

He has a lot of friends, though he's not an extrovert. But he likes hanging out with them. He said that in the past, he's felt like he's had to segregate the time he spent with his ex gfs, and the time he spent with his buddies. But he said with me, it feels different. He wants me to be there because he loves me and doesn't want to have to divide his life like that. He knows it makes me tense and to reassure me, he said that it doesn't matter if I don't say much. He understands. I felt better about it, so recently we've been hanging out with his friends together. It seems though, that everytime we do, I do bawl my eyes out after because I feel so bad about having not said much, even though I know he says it's okay. He started making suggestions, like possible questions I could ask others, just so I didn't have to talk about myself. I find that if people ask me questions, I do okay, so if they started asking me questions, I could slowly work into conversations. But just thinking about starting the conversation myself with a question started to upset me and I started crying on the way over to where we were supposed to hang out. He got upset himself, and said he was trying to help, and so we ended up not going. I felt really bad because he doesn't get to see his friends that often too -- they mostly live out of town. The great thing about him though is that he hears you out. sits patiently until I work out my thoughts and am able to say them to him. We went somewhere quiet instead and talked about what we could do -- because I actually want to work through this. So we went to a bookstore to read more about it.. He was reading something called "when someone you love has SAD" or somthing. I didn't take a look at it myself because I was afraid it would be weird. But after he looked through it, he hugged me and said he was sorry, and that he knows it's hard and scary. and that if I let him, and if I really wanted to work through it, we would do it together.. Him helping me. I am unhappy the way I am. I want to be happy. I feel overwhelmed most of the time. I'm at work now, looking for stuff online about SAD as well...

I feel confused. I thought I was doing well. But what I was actually doing was avoiding situations altogether because I react the way I do.
I guess I joined because I need feedback. I feel like apologizing here again actually, because this is a really long post. I hope someone reads it though. I don't want that to keep happening. I like his friends a lot, and I don't have many of my own, because I moved here just recently. I really want to work though it...

I feel hopeless sometimes, but with my bf, I think I can do it. I don't want to stress him out though, don't want this thing to define our relationship. I thought seeking advice elsewhere too might help. Like this group. So please let me know if it does sound like I have SAD. I know it might not be extreme but it's making me really unhappy the way I am.

I feel almost hopeless... am I?



hi im new here too, it's good to hear that you have found someone that can at least to a certain degree understand what you are going through, thats one of my biggest fears is that my shyness will prevent me from meeting anyone. all my friends are very confident and if we happen to meet a group of girls instantly they will be chatty, making them laugh, and i stand at the back, probably with my face red as a beetroot! I think if you keep trying and maybe if your b'f has understanding friends too, that they will try and make convo first till you feel comfortable with them and gradually meet more people and not feel so scared of talking to them.