Hi im raymond


well hello there i guess im another guy with SAD . Theyrs something ironic about that acronom . Im a 3rd year engeering student and for the last 5 years ive had this cancer eating away inside me i guess it wasnt so bad we only had 5 people in the class and we got to know each other very well .

My daily expierances with social axiaty were highly transiant , The levels fluctuated wildly based on the situation i was in so in an an attempt to predict and explain what was happining to me i attemped to create a formula which would take in all the possible variations and give an awnser . I guess it did it told me i have an axiaty disorder not depression
this later gave way to a generilised scale ive decided to share this with you and my logs from my lexapro treatment Clicky unfortunitly youll need office 2007 to view them

I have a lot of happy memorys from the last 3 years but ive decided i want a better life for myself . So i went to the councler who refered me to the doctor and im now permintly off my tits on lexapro and gerax (generic xanax) :p so things are getting better much better in fact im very happy with xanex which i was perscribed for my presentation after 5 years of fear normality was like some wild drug for me i was actuly looking forward to the presentatiion which went fantastic .

Im currently getting a window of about 2 - 3 hours of complete normality buffered by 3-4 hours of reduced axiaty . The doctor and counceler have been a great help to me and very understanding the only downside is having to avoid alcohol which as you might guess is difficult for an irish student