hi im pondering.......... anyone help??


:) :?:
hello everyone
ive been thinking lately about modern technology- games, internet and have wondered whether these changes have actually increased social anxiety- ??what do u reckon?my parents tell me there was tons more communication, interaction in the good old olden days, e.g. exchanges with the shop keeper- nowadays u simply left click and magic u can live within the comforts of ure home and order anything u fancy- the only communication u get is greeting the post person?
cheers :wink:


Well-known member
Hello, this is interesting! I am currently reading "Party of One- A loner's manifesto" by Anneli Rufus, very good book BTW!

She talks about how social interaction in Japan is crucial. There is a word, "Hikikomori"- meaning "Social withdrawal".

"Hikikomori barricade themselves in their bedrooms, refusing, often for years at a time, to come out" These people, often students finished with school, "...hole up with a TV, computer, gameboy behind a locked bedroom door..."

Basically, an argument is that technology has enabled these younger generations with more control than in previous times, and that parents can only go so far in controlling their children.

Rufus give an example of a 29 year old man, whose only communication with his family was in the form of written notes left on the kitchen table with instructions, eg "Get me that video game magazine"

I find this book so interesting, as Rufus is a fellow loner.


Well-known member
I agree Cassie! My parents wouldn't do that! And I hope many others wouldn't either! It is extreme, but I think it shows how technology can make people go totally into themselves, and eradicate everything else from their lives.