I've been reading here for a few weeks. From most of the posts I've read, many of you are young. At least you know what's wrong with you and have opportunites to get treatments. I'm almost 50 and I've only discovered that there's a name for what I have. I've had it since early childhood and my life has been pure hell. I knew something was wrong with me but I just thought It was only me. I kept all my thoughts and pain bottled up inside. I'm also a college graduate but i've never been able to hold a job because of the fear. My college friends are successful in their careers and talking about the wonderful things they are planning on doing after retirement. Me, I HAVE NOTHING! I'm getting thearpy now but it's too late for a career. You young people have a chance at life if only you get help NOW! I know it's difficult with the fear and all but please take that first step for getting treatment! The fear will not go away until you conquer it! Please take my advice! :!: