Hi im new can u helps plz


Active member
Hi i have severe anxiety, i jsut moved into apartment, and i find it very frightening because im always surrounded by people. I need grocerys, and my doc put me on lorzapam .5 mgs to help me with going to get food, but i still am not able to do it. I have another appointment with her on Thursday, but i may need food before then. What should i do? Im also on 150 ml of setraline a day, and was recently on wellbutrin, but it caused insomnia.


Active member
You can actually order groceries and have them delivered now in most places. I know you can in the united states at least. Stores like albertsons (maybe?) do it I think. You have to pay a little extra for them to deliver it though.

If worse comes to worse you could just order a pizza. ::p:


Active member
thanks ill look up if they will just leave it on my doorstep lol cause im afraid to open the door if i dont know who is comming.