HI,Im livia!


Hi everyone, I will introduce myself.I'm a Spanish 25 y.old girl from Barcelona.This is not the first time i've been in this site but it's the first i write, some time ago i started to guess in the internet about this "problem"..i actually wasnt' very sure about what was happening to me, and didn't realized a lot that this had a name and there was so many people with this..that made me a little happy, to feel like more "normal". I know i had this strange feeling since i was little at school, i know i was too shy and had lots of problems with interacting with people, but didn't though this would take me so long...i thought then that when i will grow up this will change immediatly...stupid...but i really thought when leaving school and be about 18 things will be diferent..nosense. Well by now i still have this problem, haven't been to a doctor, and days go by some better than others, now im okay i just think its a thing you have to deal with, and takes part of myself...but sometimes i think about it...What will my life could be if i didn't have this?? Is this the real me?? or am I hidden somewhere?? well better not to think about it and just go on. I have a great family, good friends, and people who I know they care...so better not to think about it...And when a negative thinking comes over my head try to pull it away from me..say Goodbye to the bad thoughts and hello to life!! just depends on us!! by the way sorry if i had some mistakes as i am not an english speaker, but i m glad to meet this site, as i See is a thing of everyone, all around the world! HOPE you are all taking this well...See ya!


Well-known member

Hi livia glad you finaly felt comfortable enough to post. I think most of us took months before we started posting. Also like you I thought i was looseing my mind. It wasn't until recently that I figure out by accident that I had something called anxiety. Up until recently I have never even heard of it or knew they were others.

I looking foward to reading more of your posts.


Well-known member
Bienvenida lidia! I've got Catalan blood in me :) It's good that you've got supportive ppl around you. Don't let your shyness get in the way of what you want to do and stay positive! (I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but hey it's the only positive thing I can say)