New member
Good Evening!
I stumbled across this forum after starting therapy last week and searching for clues on what might be going on in my head.
I can realate to many of the symptoms of Social Phobia...but definitely not all.
Basically I am a 30 something from Texas...have been single all of my life, because of an intense fear of rejection. I finally decided that this is not normal and am seeking help from therapy...whcih also terrifies the bejeezus out of me.
Thought of shame, embarrassment, being judged all race through my head almost constantly...however...I have never thought of myself as shy...I don't generally blush, I am able to be outgoing and my heart doesn't race in social situations.....unless, that is, if it is in the company of a man that I find attractive or even *could* find attractive.
I look forward to poking around and learning more!
Happy Holidays....
I stumbled across this forum after starting therapy last week and searching for clues on what might be going on in my head.
I can realate to many of the symptoms of Social Phobia...but definitely not all.
Basically I am a 30 something from Texas...have been single all of my life, because of an intense fear of rejection. I finally decided that this is not normal and am seeking help from therapy...whcih also terrifies the bejeezus out of me.
Thought of shame, embarrassment, being judged all race through my head almost constantly...however...I have never thought of myself as shy...I don't generally blush, I am able to be outgoing and my heart doesn't race in social situations.....unless, that is, if it is in the company of a man that I find attractive or even *could* find attractive.
I look forward to poking around and learning more!
Happy Holidays....