Hi Everyone


I'm Geoff, 21 yr old university student with SA (or SP if you prefer). I recently decided that I'm going to find a way to get rid of my SA, so I'm here because I think that it will help to communicate with others who are going through similar situations. I know the road to health will be difficult, but it can't be worse than living like this the rest of my life.

I chose 'Abandon' as my nick because it is my favorite word. Normally people think of it as meaning to desert, but it can also mean a state of being without inhibition. To me it represents the rare but precious times in my life when I've left my social inhibitions behind and experienced happiness without restraint.


Well-known member
Abandon said:
the rare but precious times in my life when I've left my social inhibitions behind and experienced happiness without restraint.
What I would give to have more of these!

Hi Geoff, and welcome to the forum. 8)


Well-known member
Welcome to SPW Abandon

It's good that you decided to fight this.You have taken the first step to recoveroy.I hope you find what you're looking for here. :D