Hi Again


Well, same story as two weeks ago. There was this certain group of people that before the holidays, I'd decided to make an effort to 'hang' with them. :D

Well, it was at lunchtime, they were all in this classroom (where they sometimes hang out at lunchtime), and I wanted to poke my head in the door and ask "Can I come in?" (I am acquainted with them all through classes), but I just couldn't pluck up the courage, and I'm sure they would've said yes. After a while, my cousin (my only friend) came along, and I just sat with him the rest of lunchtime. Lucky they didn't see me, they would've thought I was a weird stalker.

:cry: I'm a coward. Still, there are plenty of opportunities for me to try again. It was only the first day back at school today. I must stay positive. But honestly, there was/is great opportunity there for me to find myself a social circle. I mean, there's a good mix of boys and girls, and two (at least) of them are Christians, just like me. They're into music (like me), and I think that we have a lot of interests in common. It's just a shame that I can't (so far) seem to pluck up the courage to "get on the horse".

Thanks for reading, whoever does. I mean, even if nobody replies, at least I get to offload somewhere.


Hey thats a hard situation I know. Why don't you ask your cousin to go with you?

I kind of want to, while I'm at school, find my own circle away from my cousin. He and I live together, so it's not like I'd be ditching him. I'm also his only friend, so maybe if we both find our own circles it'll be good for both of us. I don't want to sound mean, but it kind of feels like we only hang out together because we have to. I know I certainly feel that way. Yeah, I'm sick of sitting with the same person every break for 4 or 5 years. It's not his fault - it's mine. I don't have any other options friend-wise, which goes back to the OP -- I'm trying to create more options for myself.

FYI, today at interval, I chickened out again, and at lunchtime, I attended a Chemistry revision period, so once again, I've spent the day by myself. :evil:


One of these days I really need to bite the bullet and just say the four magic words: "Can I come in?". LOL :p
yeah im just like u...i find it rather hard to find a circle of intimate friends ...true i have 1 or 2 very close friends, whom i can completely count on, but still i prefer the large groups. And im scared of being turned down or ignored when i ask to participate in any group activity..it's really bothering me