HH making me not wanna go out


Well-known member
HH gets me so down that I can't be bothered to get dressed (its depressing when trying to find clothes that won't show up my sweat so much) and then that makes me not want to go out.
It makes it worse that I can't let my parents know about my condition cos they will be ignorant and say "Oh it's nothing, stop being silly" and so I have them telling me off all the time saying I'm lazy for not wanting to go out.
I feel like my real personality is being held back by this damn condition, I feel like I don't really know myself. Who I am is just a person who tries to cover up HH all day so that I forget what I'm like.
Does this make any sense?
Basically I'm too busy worrying about my HH and hiding away and being quiet/nervous etc, that I lack a personality and most of the time I feel worthless. I don't feel like I have a 'me', its just a body which sweats too much.


Well-known member
I have terrible underarm sweathing , also toes and butt.
If we except fact that it is noticable, it is also totally unpleasent wet feeling. I think cause of this is anxiety caused by extremly devastated self esteem. I have even more symptoms though , but for me they are to embarassing to mention-.


Well-known member
grissom sounds exactly the same as me
the prob is for me my parents wouldnt let me stay at home without a job so everyday I have to go thru hell with hh constantly on my mind and even worse when ur in situations u cant avoid or get out of like train to work meetings at work :?
is shit !
thing is i go to work and am shy/quiet like u say - my head is just got HH on the brain all the time so i dont really make conversation and in a way easier that way keeping to myself as if was too friendly ppl may say come for drinks etc then would have to make excuses all time and look even weirder if that makes sense
i feel like how can i go on my whole life like this...i just wana go and live in a house in scotland or something where cold most of the time and can escape haha ....who knows ....can never do anything really wana do anyway if i had choice wouldnt work at all :roll:


Well-known member
and grissom maybe try and get doctors note or prescription to somehow say to ur parents as at least then they will know why u are down as then u feel slightly less alone if know what i mean
was hard at first for me to say something but did to my mum and at first they were both like u say its nothing etc
but they still dont make a fuss about it and i still dont ever tell them half the crap i go thru on a daily basis and how holds me back so much but at least they do know and kinda realise is quite hard for me as way im never happy


Active member
Yeah, I know this feeling all to well. I think some of my friendships have suffered as a result of not wanting to go out.

Whats even worse is when my entire like extended family will hassle me about not going out, and why don't you have a gf etc etc, thats prolly the most depressing thing. I don't want to tell them and I shouldn't have to.

Hopefully getting an Iontophoresis unit soonish, so hopefully that will really change my life around *crosses fingers*.


I feel the same way...

I know how you feel... My sweating is mostly under control but some days I still get insecure. Have you tried MegaDry? It worked for me, but my insecurity with sweating is still there... I think it's a deeper issue.


New member
Don't let it beat you!

I know what you are talking about Grissom. I used to have the regular problems with HH and then made the really big mistake of having ETS back in 1997. Now, lets just say, life requires careful planning. I hate it when the weather man screws up the forecast. Anyway, I have looked like I have just come from swimming in a lake with my pants on in front of my coworkers and people I didn't know. It was so embarrassing. The other guys were asking me if I pissed my pants. I wanted to hide. I had to explain why I looked as though I wet myself a few times over. I have a job that requires I work outdoors and in very stressful situations - I'm a cop. I am so depressed, but I have found that you can't be afraid to tell people about the HH. Most don't understand it, but when they like you they will deal with it. Although it hurts sometimes, I have learned how to joke about it and make fun of it. Like a fat comedian telling fat jokes and laughing at how fat they are, it helps ease a little of the social discomfort.

Anyway, I'm not saying it is easy or gets easy; it doesn't, but you can't let it run your life. Don't be afraid to do things you like to do. If people can't deal with a little sweat - or in our cases a lot of it, then screw them. Who cares. We only live a short life in reality, and when it's gone, nobody will ever remember any of this.


I understand..

You are a very intelligent young person. I guess the only good thing about HH is we seem to be very sensible people. very aware of our own feeling.

I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel HH preventys you from being who you really are. As i have explained in my thread, i am totally a different person now i am suffering from HH.

It's getting better but i wonder whether or not i will ever be the person i used to be: fun, sociable, optimistic..

If i were you, i would a serious chat with my parents, explain to them this is not the average teenage mood, HH is a real medical condition with AWFUL psychological consequences. I used to feel suicidal because of it. I felt and still do at time like a second class citizen, like even homeless people seem to look more hygienic (not sweating or smelling in the case of planter HH) than us.

The only thing that keep me going is that one day, i am sure we all be cured. Aftert , we treat cancer and other serious diseases, why can t they find a cure for HH ???


Active member
Hi All,

After having ETS over 10 years ago, the battling with CS is starting to get me down. I thought i would go and see my doctor and see if he could help....he knew nothing about the operation or CS and wanted to refer me to the hospital.

All he kept saying was "the NHS in oxford does not consider sweating to be a life threatening condition, so there is no funding for its treatment, if you want to be referred, you will have to pay"

I said, fine i'll pay.

Last week i went to my appointment in the hospital with the consultant vascular surgeon (one of the people currently doing the ETS surgery). He was nice enough and answered all my questions.

Basically in the last 10 years since i had ETS there has been NO medical advancement in the treatment of HH, and there is nothing being done now either. I said as a joke, i will come back in 10 years time and ask again, he said "ok, but nothing would have changed"

The bottom line is that the medical profession does not see HH as life threatening and even though they acknowledge the effect it has on peoples lives, there is no prority or funding to research a cure. :evil:

All he would offer me was councilling.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unless a millionare somewhere pays for research into HH and developing a cure......the array of remedies at the top of this forum is as good as we are gonna get. :cry:
cadmonkey said:
Hi All,

After having ETS over 10 years ago, the battling with CS is starting to get me down. I thought i would go and see my doctor and see if he could help....he knew nothing about the operation or CS and wanted to refer me to the hospital.

All he kept saying was "the NHS in oxford does not consider sweating to be a life threatening condition, so there is no funding for its treatment, if you want to be referred, you will have to pay"

I said, fine i'll pay.

Last week i went to my appointment in the hospital with the consultant vascular surgeon (one of the people currently doing the ETS surgery). He was nice enough and answered all my questions.

Basically in the last 10 years since i had ETS there has been NO medical advancement in the treatment of HH, and there is nothing being done now either. I said as a joke, i will come back in 10 years time and ask again, he said "ok, but nothing would have changed"

The bottom line is that the medical profession does not see HH as life threatening and even though they acknowledge the effect it has on peoples lives, there is no prority or funding to research a cure. :evil:

All he would offer me was councilling.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unless a millionare somewhere pays for research into HH and developing a cure......the array of remedies at the top of this forum is as good as we are gonna get. :cry:

Damn that is just not right. If you think hyperhidrosis effects millions of people in varying degrees you would think someone somewhere would try, though I think funding is the culprit. To case a point there were recent developments in administering botox via iontophoresis - with very promising results. However I contected the derm behind it a few months later and she said:
"Research funding and bureaucracy make it increasingly difficult to carry out clinical research, so I'm afraid we've made little progress with this project. "

They say they don't see it as life threatening but physically and more often that not psychologically, it does ruin many peoples lives or may even make them classed as disabled in some cases because they cant work. I think they simply don't care enough. If anyones likely to come up with a solution it may well be a sufferer(s) themselves.


Active member
Yes I agree, None of the medical professionals i have met could even start to appreciate the effect HH has on people....when i said to my doctor that i could soak my shirt through in 10 minutes if hot and stressed, he looked at me like i was lying and that it was not possible!

I think we are the best people to help each other, which is why i really value forums like this.

Like you say, with the amount of people affected by HH, there really should be more prority given to finding a cure, but i suspect that the companies making anti perspirants etc dont want that to happen.... :evil:


Well-known member
Hi guyz, I know how all you guys feel. I never knew about hyperhidrosis until I came across this forum. Im the type that never sweats but after being agoraphobic, I started to notice that my armpits were always sweaty. Especially when Im in public. Its sooo embarrassing :oops: ... I tried putting tissue under my arms but that doesnt help. Do you guys know what causes this condition? Which is worse? sweaty palms or sweaty underarms???


Well-known member
people don't care about a conditon or disease until it affects them, be that directly or indirectly. Simple as.
They don't have it - therefore they don't understand it - therefore it doesen't affect them - therefore they don't give a flying *naughty word*

we need to find a millionaire affected by HH :lol:

It could also be due to the fact that it is such an embarrassing condition, so people don't tend to talk openly about it, so it isn't usually in the news and publicised elsewhere, because people who have it don't want others to know they do.
It's sort of a vicious circle:

people suffer with HH -> they get made fun of/are too embarrased to tell anyone -> nobody knows enough about HH -> they don't understand it -> they don't think it's important -> nobody funds research into it -> people continue to suffer with HH



Well-known member
HHzapp said:
Just gets in the way of your life.

tell me about it.
If we have to write essays in school, I can barely hold the pen because i'm concentrating on what i'm writing so i sweat more and I end up just sitting there frustrated because i can't even hold the pen. Then I either don't write everything I want to, or I get told off for not writing :evil:
The annoying thing is i'm actually good at doing essays, i just sometimes can't physically do them :( :evil:
HHzapp said:
Pinker, I know how you feel. ]:
It really does get to you, and I 100% agree that people only care about the condition if they experience it themselves (unfortunately).

Today at school both of my hands and fingertips were dripping like hell.
I had my hands right up the sleeves of my jumper the whole lesson. :(
It really felt like I was gonna pass out 'cos my body temperature was so high...
And the thing that pissed me off most was that I've been doing ionto for the past week or so, everyday, and I got nothing out of it.
I think I might have overdone it. :?

Haha, how great is this...
A couple of days ago I had a performance assessment at school on piano.
Yeah, I bet you can guess what happened. I was so paranoid about my hands starting to sweat that I couldn't concentrate and failed it.
One thing I've got to say to that...

The number one thing that hh gets in the way of for me is
It's just about impossible to play with soaking wet, dripping hands.

So sorry about my rant.
I just felt the need to express how annoyed I am at this stupid condition.
I'm sure everyone would all agree that it all certainly does suck. ]:
Just gets in the way of your life.

Yup, i've had guitars for a few years now but I hardly ever play, due to the fact its very difficult to and it is SO uncomfortable.

I'm sorry for what you're having to go through, it really is hell. Especially when it comes to socialising, girls etc. Its funny you say, I did ionto the night before and today its worse than ever, honestly its just daft. I haven't used it much either.

On a more positive note i've ordered some 'dehydral' cream which a few people have recommended. I'm going to try that on my hands, particuarly my fingertips and i'll get back on how it goes.


Well-known member
This is an awesome thread that picks up so many of the issues that affect us all.

Grissom "I feel like my real personality is being held back by this damn condition, I feel like I don't really know myself. Who I am is just a person who tries to cover up HH all day so that I forget what I'm like"

A few words that acutely describe the pain and feeling of hopelessness that comes with this condition.

But, it is not all hopeless. This condition will always remain, but through medical advice and the massive support of forums such as this we can all share an active and fruitful life. This can only be done by sharing our thoughts and experiences and not letting it take control of our lives which is immensely difficult but achievable in view of the fact that you and I are still here posting and living a life. Make tomorrow better than today, the next day the same and see how it goes.