HH and Raynaud's disease


New member
Hi all,

I suffer badly from both HH and raynaud's disease. I was wondering if anyone else on this site also suffers from both conditions. :?:

I play both piano and violin, and am constantly sweating from my hands and armpits - a big problem as anyone who plays an instrument will testify! I have to have a cloth with me at all times because generally i will sweat so bad that i drip and it only gets worse under stressful conditions. I'm currently a senior high school student and am having big troubles with confidence because of these problems. Especially in drama and music when i am coming in close contact with people and have to hold hands, perform, or touch other people. And handshakes. I DREAD shaking peoples hands. My fingers also swell, and go bright tomato red, making it super hard to hide it. Its also constantly hot (40 degrees celcius throughout the entirety of summer) where i live, and so naturally i sweat more due to climate.

I also have problems with my hands going clammy and cold, and turning purple (raynauds) during winter and am constantly in gloves during the colder seasons, and STILL sweat! Its so frustrating!!!!

I feel so embarrassed about both these conditions. If anyone suffers from similar problems i would LOVE to talk to you! I'm in a small town and there is virtually no one here for support, so please post!

Slipnote. :)


New member
Hey Pinker,

It sounds a bit like raynauds. You should check it out. Some signs are the sequential change of colours in the hands, fingers, toes or feet. They'll be all cold and pallid, and then will start going bluish, then will get all tingly and red when blood flow gets back into the areas and they start to warm up.


Well-known member
Me too.

My fingers do swell and go red.Swelling when its really hoot,specialy inside.And go red when its cold,in the winter.Or some times both,hard too explain:/

I have seen some pictures of raynauds hands and mine are not as near as that bad.

Havent check it out but I personly think the problem is only HH related.Not sure then?


I also have HH and Raynaud's. I was born with HH, but the Raynaud's first appeared when I was in high school. It was quite a difficult problem as I was in the marching band and was unable to play my piccolo at times when my fingers were numb.

My fingers turn white/blue if I hold something cold (e.g., drinks, frozen items) and during the winter, even if I'm wearing gloves and thick socks. I haven't really tried any treatments for it yet; I just warm up my fingers/toes as soon as possible, although it can take a while for the circulation to start up again. My hands used to sweat all the time regardless of the temperature (ETS fixed this), but my feet still sweat a lot, even when they're frozen.


Well-known member
Mine are similar too, oftentimes just normal color but get pink when warm and a darker red when I sweat or am about to start sweating.

Can turn purplish when cold as well.

Maybe a minor case of Raynaud's?

They say people who suffer from Raynaud's can get pain in their hands? Not too sure, I forget... but I figure the pain I feel is just from my hands being cold from the sweat on it getting real cold due to air temperature.

Never considered it painful enough to try and have a diagnosis done to find out if it is Raynaud's.


Well-known member
xD My mum has Raynaurd's and I possibly have it, too. Only, with me, it's hard to tell because I have OCD-- washing my hands often and a lot... I have all the symptoms of that disease, but it may just be because of hand washing.