

New member
Hello I am new here and I stumbled on this website quite randomly from another post but I find that I can benefit/contribute here pretty well. :)

My story in a few sentences:

For me, it all started with embarassment.
The earliest memory of being embarassed was a daycare teacher telling me to stop dancing in such a way that she looked disgusted and upset wehn there weas music playing after we came in from playing outside...

From then on it was a vicious spiral of over-sensitive reactions to people that would cause me to shrink away, causing others to shrink away from me, causing me to feel even worse...you get the process. :crying:

I got to the point where I wanted to kill myself at about 13 years old but I learned a few huge life lessons and decided to wait and use my first year of college to determine if I should keep trying for the rest of my life or give up and play mmorpgs and be happy :thumbup:. I am super critical and came up with reasons why I could never be cut out for the social life and lived depressed for a few years.

I have learned SO MUCH and have a looong way to go still but I have decided that I have so much potential and have to keep pushing. One day people will never have thought I could have had SA. :bigsmile:

I hope to learn more from you guys's stories and help out any way I can!
