Hey guys, here's my story.


New member
Hey guys. Don't really know where to post this but here goes.

I always used to visit these kind of places and wish there were more success stories that I could read of former anxious and depressed people. So here's my story that can maybe help that one person out there that maybe feels like there is nothing to live for. I know the feeling, you just hate the world and feel so isolated. There is hope. Things can and do get better. It took a while. I struggled all through my teens and early 20s. I am 23 now and I am blissfully happy. I can't explain it. It feels like I'm high on drugs all the time. I used to get high on drugs to feel normal. I realised how bad I felt and how far I've come.

I figured out I had a problem in my early teens. I use to be confident, I was very popular in primary school and early high school. But then the slow wear and tear of my thinking ground me down and I became very anxious. I started going away from being myself, which people liked, to being someone who I thought people would like. That's how my mind was thinking anyway. It makes no sense when you think about it.

When you start coming out of your depression, you will start to unravel this thinking. You might need to give yourself self time to think and little and try to unravel your thoughts. You need to put in the work. You don't just take a pill and get better. Take pills if you need to get out of the hole, but don't expect it to just be an easy fix. This is not for everyone, but personally, for me, I smoked a bit of weed every now and then. I used to just sit there and think, or write down stuff, and start unravelling all pent up bullshit. It all finally clicked and then all the layers of insecurity starting falling off in the days afterwards. I was making massive improvements daily. You cannot explain the feeling of happiness. I was explaining to a mate how blissfully happy I was the other day. I said, "Mate, I feel like I'm on drugs alllll the time." I never knew this was a normal feeling!

I'm more open with people. That's how you connect. I am me now. I'm not trying to be someone I'm not. Not everyone gets along. Some people are shit people but there are 99 percent good people out there that are just looking to have a good time, and have fun in life. You have got to put yourself out there. I know that sounds like self-help book bullshit, but it just has to be done. The positive thoughts will come as you start to unravel you're thinking. You don't just tell yourself, "I am happy." It doesn't work that way. But once you come to that point where your mind is clear and you look back, you will burst with joy. There is no better feeling in the world.

It's funny because I barely used to post on these forums because I was so scared of what people would think of me. Now, I really don't give two stuffs. I don't care that anyone knows. I think I've finally started to come out the other side and I'm hoping this can help someone out there. Hang on. It does better. Just tell yourself that any day that you're feeling down. Push on. Tomorrow's a new day.

Alright guys, thanks for reading. Hopefully someone out there got something out of it.

If you guys want to ask any questions or know more. Leave me a message.

Thanks guys.
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Well-known member
that was an inspiring story. but to get into the right mindset, you've gotta have the right sleep and diet. those two things affect mood.


New member
that was an inspiring story. but to get into the right mindset, you've gotta have the right sleep and diet. those two things affect mood.

Thanks for the kind words.

Enough sleep and a good diet is important but its not gonna be the difference between you getting better and not. Its you're whole mindset that needs to change.