

New member
i have a VERY sure my mom has OCD but shes never been diagnosed at 18 years old just graduated from high school no job, no licence and because of some whole lot of other issues, my boyfriend had to move in with us. its been a year since he moved in and the last year of high school was a nightmare, all the while constant fights with both mom and boyfriend because of different things. i believe my mom has OCD because she constantly cleans the house, and complains that i never help, which isnt true, i do help but when im starting a task she set me to, she tells me to go away and let her do it herself, almost as if me not doing it isnt "to her standards". She complains that the house is always dirty when both my boyfriend and i say the house is clean. She also complains that she never has time to do any other things she wants because shes always cleaning. its gotton to the point where its starting to tear our relationship apart and i shut myself in my room for hours because i cant stand her constant complaining. i know my one aunt said she has it so theres some history of it in the family. im just wondering what i can do, and if i should bring it up and/or what to say in doing so, or should i just move out?
I'm not quite sure whether that's OCD, as I don't have too much experience with it. But you should definitely try and bring it up. If that doesn't help you could always move out later if you still want to. :3

Tell her that you're concerned about her obsessive cleaning, and that it causes great tension between you two (or three). My suggestion would be that you try to do it with a non-hostile tone. People tend to get defensive when you tell them they might have a disorder like that.


From what you have said its not really possible to determine whether its OCD or not. My sister is a bit like that and its annoying. While your mum may be unreasonably obsessed with cleaning it does not make it OCD. Her cleaning sounds most likely just to be a quirk, maybe its her way of dealing with stress or to feel like she is in control over something...

Maybe next time you notice her cleaning obsessively ask her what's on her mind and see if there is anything deeper that is bothering her. It is fine to bring up OCD with her but make sure it is in a sincere, private and understanding manner.
Maybe you could bring it up by saying you noticed how much she was cleaning and you saw a show about a person with OCD who cleaned like that and was wondering if she had something like it....

Also keep in mind that people with undiagnosed OCD are usually very private and insecure about the condition and will try hard to hide it from others.

Good luck