Help !

Screw OCD

My OCD has taken many twists and turns. I have had my major ups and my major downs, and now I feel like I'm in the biggest hole ever , and I feel completely worthless and I basically feel like I've failed in every category of life. I devloped OCD when I was 18 and I've had it for 2 years now.

This is going to be really long, but I just need some support because I'm tired of living in this cage, and I don't know how to get out sometimes:confused:::(:.

Anyway the reason why I feel this way is because recently I have developed really bad responsibility OCD.

With my responsibility OCD i feel I have to carry out some sort of action or do something that will help someone, whether it be help saving them, etc,etc. When I fail to carry out these actions I feel like complete scum. It's also very hard for me to determine when I should or should not help someone or if a perceived danger toward me or someone else is a OCD/ or a real worry. The worst part is I've failed so many times with my responsibility OCD that I feel horrible.

Heres a few specific examples

Me and my parents are going to a restaurant, and we both take seperate cars. I suddenly have the intrusive thought ( What If my parents get in a really bad car crash and they try calling me on my cell phone). So then my compulsion of course is to keep looking at my cell phone to see if my parents are calling, because if they are calling, I could save them. I know deep in my mind I shouldnt give into the compulsion, but it's just so hard. So while I'm driving I keep having the thought and my OCD won't stop saying ( Look at your Phone or your parents are going to crash and die) and I'm saying to myself don't give in.

But heres the part that really sucks. It's kind of complicated to explain, but anyway If i don't listen to my OCD, I basically feel like I have lost. Which is ironic because if I didn't give into the compulsion of looking at my phone, then most people would feel like their overcoming thier OCD fear.

Well anyway I end up not looking at my cell phone, and then suddenly my OCD says to me ( Good Job, Loser, You Didn't look at your phone, and now your parents are dead, even though they arrived at the restaurant like 1 minute after I did.

So at this point I basically feel like I killed my parents.

Now where responsibility takes it's worst turn the most ,is embarrassingly as it may sound, is when I masturbate.

Everytime I masturbate I feel like scum, I've allready got over my "sperm contamination", but that's a whole another story, and the thoughts with religion / god and sex have subsided a little . I'M SO OCD ABOUT SEX BEOFR MARRIAGE THOUGH, PLEASE HELP ME ON THIS AS WELL, IM SO CONFUSED.

Every time I masturbate I always get intrusive thoughts, and this is where I basically lose everytime with my responsibility OCD. I always have the thought that when I masturbate that something horrible is going to happen to someone I know or some bad event is going to happen.

So I always have to perform some sort of ritual before I masturbate, like say to myself ( this bad event isn't going to happen). But at the same time it's hard to go through these rituals when I'm trying to masturbate.

This example might make it more clear.

I am masturbating, and I notice that theres weights still on my bench press , bar. My OCD says immediately ( Get the Weights off your bench or your cat is going to come by, and somehow knock the weights off, and they will fall on him and crush him to death). Then I'm saying to myself ( just jackoff, there's no way your cat is going to knock those weights off.

So Im having this debate within my head while masturbating, which is extremely frustrating to deal with.

Anways I end up masturbating, and then my OCD says( Good Job, You coundnt save your cat because you were to busy jacking off, you sick scum).

These masturbating issues have happened so many times as well, where I've failed to save or help someone, hurt myself in someway, or failed a moral obligation to God.

The worst parts is that I feel like I have to be a puppet with my OCD, or I'm a horrible person. These thoughts and actions have been so confusing and horrible as well that I don't know if my OCD is just taking over, or If I'm just a really messed up person who can't control himself properly.

I still have major bouts of OCD with about every category still.

Such as God, religion,sex, responsibility, when I should/ shouldn't help someone.

Also when I get mad at someone instead of thinking, ( I hate that person), instead I think ( I outta just kill you right now). These obsessions are so strong that I don't know if it's my OCD, or if I have the traits of a murderer inside me.

I've also have had bad obsessions with about everything imaginable.

I've just become so confused and depressed as of late, I just feel like a worthless scum bag who's responsible for all these action's I have done.

I've been taking fluvoxamine but I don't know if thats really helping.

I'm aslo bout to see a therapist, but I feel like I just need to find refuge in myself and just break free from these chains, because I have beat some on my own, but the ones that are complicated are hard for me to handle. Because now I feel like I can't help myself until I get professional advice or something. Also the therapist my mom is trying to get me is on vacation right now, so yeh go figure.

I also think to myself I don't deserve love because I'm a piece of crap, and I get worried about future issues such as having kids.

I could write another essay, on this issue but I don't feel like it to be honest, becuase I feel like im just going to complicate things.

Anyway I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice or if anyone can relate with me because I feel horrible.


Quite the wall o text there :)

My advice is to definitely see a therapist - it won't be a silver bullet that cures ocd but they will at the very least serve as a coach to keep your progress on track. Medication is also important - it serves to boost your serotonin levels which are below normal. This acts to help drown out or take the edge off a lot of the obsessive thoughts. If one doesn't work then switch to another or increase your dose - sertraline and escitalopram work best for me whilst others were quite useless.

Can i suggest one thing? Keep a log of your OCD. Here is what I do:

1. buy a notebook that you can take with you to most places you go.

2. each time you have an ocd event write down the event that triggers ocd at the top of the page (also date the page)

3. give the ocd event a rating out of 100. This represents the severity of the ocd event

4. make 2 columns below. On the left side list each of you thoughts such as 'my parents will die if I do not constantly check my phone'. On the right side challenge each of the ocd thoughts with reason and logic such as: 'there is no logical reason to think my parents will die' and 'this is ocd and is all in my head, a normal person would not have these fears' or 'checking my phone cannot save my parents if they crashed - this is an irrational ocd thought'

5. Try and do this as soon as possible each time you have an ocd thought

Please get back to me and let me know how this goes for you (also show the book to your therapist when you get to see them.

I feel very sad for you are you ok ??


Such as God, religion,sex, responsibility, when I should/ shouldn't help someone.

These are very very common ocd's so your not on your own here.

Obviously if you have an ocd about god then it stands to reason the ocd will get you about all religion , masturbation etc etc just goes from one event to another.

The masturbation thing ...well as we all know in some religions or religious cults its often a big no no to masturbate or have sex before marriage . therefore the ocd will be having a field day with your head over these issues. If you need to crank one out my friend then let me tell you its the most natural thing in the world , and you have to not let the ocd tell you any different.

Your ocd is spriralling out of control and every aspect of your life is getting attacked that much that it seems like you have landed yourself in a big black hole. But you must realise the majority of ocd sufferers will have already covered some of your ocd's , with the same panic and fear , so your not alone by any stretch of the imagination.

I dont even want to put in black and white the rancid thoughts I use to have 20 yrs ago about my mum been attacked .....this was before I knew I had ocd , and I used to wonder why I was scared to go round incase some crazy axe wielding maniac has sliced her up !!!!!!!! So believe me we have all been there.

You need therapy my friend , and thats all there is to it.

I can tell you all day and night that its just the ocd and to fight it , but I know your at the stage where you so need some proper professional help to get you through this.

Screw OCD

hey this helped alot guys thanks, i know im still gonna have all this stuff still goin on but im bout to see a therapist and time and love will heal all things