Help on quitting!!

I work for a lady who has a small petsitting business with around fourteen other people working for her. I very much want to quit because I feel like she takes advantage of me being a push over and has gotten very bossy. I tried to quit earlier this summer by telling her I would be at school all the time in the fall, but she said I should work weekends and because I was so nervous I said okay. I know she will be angry if I quit because I told her I can work for her throughout the year. She's been having trouble finding people to work for her because of gas prices (we only get $10 a sit anyways). Anyways I would very much like advice on what to say. She scares me!!


i remeber being scared of my boss. but i look back and think "hmm it was a person I probably will never contact again or see again, i should have spoke my mind"

easier said than done tho, specially for me.


Well-known member
You shouldnt be intimtidated by this lady. If she employs people then she needs to get used to the fact that people come and go and not get funny about it. Whether she can replace you or not is really not your problem...If she can't get people to work for her then she needs to look at the reasons why and run her business better. Not your problem!!

Im an employer myself and I say you should keep it official. Write her a letter and give her notice and stick to it. If she goes mad then it's her being irrational and you've done things right.