Help me figure this out...


Yes, I know that I made a post yesterday about a fear of being alone, and that I was having a bad day, but I met someone today... Well, not really, but anyway, I need someone's help on trying to decide what's going on here.

My little "clique" decided that we were going to go cruise around town earlier this night. I was in the back of my buddie's extended cab pickup. We eventually got bored of crusing, and we started following some girl that just got her license yesterday. I knew of her, and she knew of me, but everyone else knew her well. . Anyway, we kept following her, more following... eventually, we met up with her at the parking lot at school and my two buddies in the front seat started talking to her. She eventually asked who was in the back and I leaned forward and said "It's just me." and she's like "Oh, it's just you." and laughed. Everyone went on their way.

About 5 minutes later, we drove past the police chief's house and someone had TP'd his truck. We laughed about it and decided to catch up with the girl (Mendi) again to see if she knew sho did it. When we caught up with her we asked and she said she didn't know, and then started blaming it on me and said she was going to tell the chief it was me, then sped off. We caught up to her again and she kept blaming it on me and I kept denying it and eventually got so upset (actually I was just playing around) that I got out of the truck and acted like I was comming to whoop her ass. She took off once again, and so did my buddies. So I was stuck there in the middle of the street and here comes Mendi. She stops and tells me that she was only joking and didn't have any plans to tell anyone it was me who did that. I told her I was joking around too and she offered me a ride to my house. I turned her down and said that my buddies would be back in a sec and we said our goodbyes and parted. My buddies eventually came back to get me.

After dropping off the other two guys, I hopped in front and talked to my buddy Logan. I had a good feeling that Mendi was flirting with me, but I wanted to hear someone say it to know for sure if it was flirting. I acted like I didn't know why she kept blaming the whole incident on me and how it was crazy that she singled me out and stuff and he's like "Dude, she was just flirting with you. I wouldn't worry about it."

So can someone confirm that story above as being flirting? If it is, what is the next step that I take from here? I don't really know her that well, and she doesn't know me. I talked to Logan some more about her and she's pretty much in the same shoes that I am... I've never had a GF, she's never had a BF. From my perspective, that's an excelent way to start, but is there something that I might be missing?


Well-known member
No, nothing you're missing. I'd go for it! Girls like to tease the guy they like. I had that happen to me back when I was 18, this gorgeous italian girl was play fighting with me. Of course, my SP was WAY worse back then, so I took it the wrong way and was kinda rude to her after that. My friend was giving me these looks like "what the fuck are you doing, man?!". I eventually got the hint and started teasing her back. We took off, and stupid me never got her number. Later on, I debated going back to her house to ask her out (no doubt she woulda said yes), but never did (thought I wasn't good enough...)



Well-known member
RU SP snackle?? U come across real confident! She obviously wants you by the way, the little tease! :wink:


Bexi said:
RU SP snackle??

Yes, but I like to think of myself as a recovering SP... The more I learn, the more I apply to my daily life and things over the past few months have drastically changed. Hense the fact that I'm talking to people that I don't know.

I'm hoping that I might see her again some time and start a conversation with her. Until then, I can do nothing more than wait.... unfortunately. School is out until Monday. Catching her over the weekend would be awesome.


Tonight I was invited by my friend Logan to some kind of haunted house or something like that. He said that him and a bunch of girls were going, so I decided to go.

When we got there, there were about 15 people in our group. Me, Logan, and 2 other guys were the only guys there. Anxiety was high because the whole trip was for this one girl who's father went along. It was meant to be a party for her, she didn't invite me, so I didn't feel welcome. That drove me to stay away from the crowd.

Later into the night, I started coming out of my shell and was soon the "life of the party". I can't begin to tell you how many girls I had wanting to talk to me, flirting with me, etc. I swear, I've never felt so good in my life. Mendi was there also, and we talked, flirted, etc for hours. That continued until we got back to the one girl's house. She invited everyone (especially me - noticed I was feeling left out and I mentioned that I might go home when we get back and she said she really wanted me to come over) to come watch a movie. When we got there, she left, and everyone else called over their boyfriend and hung out with them. Me, I was left by myself. Which really bothered me because I was the only one, but I made the best of the situation in different ways.

All in all, I seriously think this SP thing is just about gone. Sure, it'll always be there, but it's so much easier to talk to everyone now.


Well-known member
:D Thats fantastic, Snackle! :D

It's inspiring to hear of people beating this. And you lucky, you doing while you're still young!