Help me come up with mini goals!


Well-known member
I think this has been suggested before...But I guess it can't hurt to be brought up again. :|

I feel like my problem in helping myself is that I start too big. I should be doing tiny steps every day or every few days to get used to and be comfortable with social interaction. Rather, I attempt huge steps that never work out. So, help me come up with tiny steps. Things I can do while I'm out (or maybe at home?) with my parents or friends. For example, one tiny step/accomplishment can be to ask someone on the street for directions (even if you know where you're heading). Or asking someone you used to talk to (My worst anxiety comes from talking to people I used to talk to, but don't anymore) what time it is or when the bus will arrive. Ordering pizza over the phone (something I've never done in my life D:), smile at someone you find cute in a coffee shop...etc.

Things that people with anxiety will find hard, but others might not see the problem with. Does that make sense? I guess they could also be considered dares... :p


Well-known member
Hmmm... Tasks I did back in my SA days (and some I've made up):

-Smile at everyone you come across, majority of them will smile back.
-Always say "hi" and "thanks" clearly when going to purchase something on the counter.
-When the phone rings, always be the first one to answer, don't think twice.
-Order a pizza on the phone as you mentioned lol.
-Go to the supermarket and ask assistant for a product you can't find e.g soy sauce lol.
--- These are what I think is hard:
-Invite your friends up for a coffee/movie (if you're good friends).
-Join a club. If nothing works out, try a different club.
-Apply for a job (if you don't have one), it's always a good practice in interviews and if you get the job, wahay lol.

Uhhh I can't think of anything else~


Maybe a tad bigger than a baby step for you right now but maybe trying something like taking some reading material to a local park, or coffee type emporium alone once a week. This would be helpful to push your comfort zone of being out in the big bad world. It is very common for people to chill out that way so no need to feel like you're a lonesome freak whilst doing so.

I took to taking walks with my trusty iPod in a nearby walking, nature trail, plenty of people to smile, acknowledge and even make small talk with when the mood hit me.


Things that people with anxiety will find hard, but others might not see the problem with. Does that make sense? I guess they could also be considered dares... :p

Not the most daring suggestions but I think they might help.It's more ground work than active examples you were asking for but I hope it helps.

-Do a brain storming session and ask how you would of liked your life to of changed in a years time.
-Look at what you would of liked to of changed,and try and right down some short term targets which might help you achieve them.
-Promise yourself that you won't beat yourself up if you don't always achieve your targets.And try and reward yourself if you achieve quite a few in a row.
-Do some work on realizing what some of your common negative thoughts are,and then sit down and write some more positive or realistic thoughts to counter them.


Well-known member
Perfect suggestions guys! I'm going on a cruise in a few days, so I'll definitely try being a social butterfly! :)