Emma my dear...does he make you feel good?
Yes he does, when he's sitting right in front of me, that is, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here pining over him like some lovesick loser.
When we're together it's fine, he's really nice to me and always takes my hand and stuff, plus he's kind of softly spoken too, so he even sounds nice.
And he asks lots of questions like he's interested in my life.
But having said that, he's sort of like a totally different person on msn, like it's not him, I really don't understand why.....I asked him if he wanted to come to my birthday party next month and he was going to come, but then when I told him when it was he said he would be gone by then and got really bitchy....So I need a guys opinion on this.....why is he so nice to my face and acting really interested, the way he used to (even though he's well aware I won't sleep with him just because he wants me to) and mean to me on msn? If he does not care at all why does he still talk to me and why does he ask to see me sometimes? And he said ages ago when we broke up that he would want to get back together in a few months when I sorted my social phobia thing out...So how can I kind of ask him out without him feeling like I'm pushing him into it or being demanding?