Help for lessening social anxiety at work


New member
I'm starting a new temporary job next week. I will be returning to an office that I temped at three years ago. I have social anxiety, and especially so around authority figures and co-workers. Everyone around me is a lot older and more experienced. I know that I will have to greet my old boss and I'm really nervous about that, because whenever I talked to him I blushed really badly.
To make matters worse, my uncle has a very high-up position in the company (but he doesn't work at that branch) and I feel like if I do anything to brand me as weirdly shy or incompetent or anything other than perfect, hardworking, and intelligent, I'll somehow tarnish his name.
Basically, I want to be able to go there, be myself around people, stop being so timid, and able to talk confidently without blushing, to ask questions without feeling dumb, etc.

Any tips??????


Well-known member
I'm not an expert but it would be nice to think positive and change your way of thinking. Just think of all your coworkers being nice people who aren't going to negatively judge you. That's a nice a realistic though of the situation :) Just be yourself. Even though you want standards to be high because your uncle has a big position doesn't mean you have to be all perfect and talkative. Perfection or pleasing every single person isn't possible and not necessary :)


Well-known member
You mentioned you temped at the place some 3 years back. How did you fare during that time? If you did ok, I think you shouldn't worry too much, I imagine unless if the company has a high turnover rate, you would still be mixing with people you already know, and thus would feel more comfortable if you got along with them the previous time you were there. You also mentioned the people there are alot older than you. In my experience, this is usually welcomed as if you made mistakes or are unsure about stuff, they would put it down to you being young and thus inexperienced, rather than you would to work in a place filled with people your same age and then there would be much comparisons between you and your peers.