Help! Do i have social anxiety?


New member
Hello, throughout junior high and elementary i didnt have a problem communicating with people. i was shy, but i could always strike up a conversation. In high school, i just stopped communicating with people, meaning i kept it to a minimal. Now im in post-secondary school, and im not afraid of talking to people, but whenever im around someone i just have no clue what to conversation ideas. Whenever im around people i dont get nervous either. Ami just lacking social skills or do i have social anxiety? Please help..


Do you have any anxiety symptoms? It doesn't sound like you do, but I could be completely wrong.


Well-known member
Maybe during high school, you didn't hang out much, you just went straight home and were inside all day, and all through the weekends. While everybody developed social skills going out with their friends, you were just at home.

This is just a guess, but I think that it fits my case, personally. I was really talkative all through 7th grade, but after that, bam. I lost all my former friends and went into a state of depression, shame, and avoidance, both socially and academically. I did keep my interest in knowledge though, because I always liked reading history and philosophy at the library... unusual, I know. But when it came to talk about much of anything else, I didn't know what to say.

I would say that if you're not nervous, all it takes is a few small talk ice breakers... like if you're at school, ask "what's your major", "what do you think of that teacher", etc. If you're not nervous, you should learn fast.


Active member
You don't get nervous about lacking conversation ideas?

I'm not sure maybe you're borderline. I know I'm different and my personality totally changes when I'm around different people, Like night and day. I know I stress way too much about possible conversation that may go orye.


Well-known member
8O sometimes scares me ,how peoples look just like me at this site or ,maybe is astrologic lol...


New member
Walk, i think you just completely said what i needed to say..
throughout highschool i just usually went straight home and didnt really get to develop any social skills.

Like i never get nervous or scared, or even sweat when im around people.
So should i just practice conversating? or do i have an actual anxiety and see a doctor?


Well-known member
dynex147 said:
Walk, i think you just completely said what i needed to say..
throughout highschool i just usually went straight home and didnt really get to develop any social skills.

Like i never get nervous or scared, or even sweat when im around people.
So should i just practice conversating? or do i have an actual anxiety and see a doctor?

My suggestion would be to try starting conversations with people around you in school and other places, and see how it goes. If you can't seem to budge out of your stubborness due to intense anxiety after various attempts, then maybe it's time to see a professional.

Do you do well in front of crowds?

I never went to a professional, but I'm getting better at talking to people. Being in front of people is still insanely difficult for me, but I've managed to do it about three times. I got really nervous, so if in subsequent attempts I keep getting just as nervous, then I might get help myself. But that's the thing; I don't know if it's just that old rust stemming from never socializing enough during formative years in my life, or if it's something more permanent that requires more than just repetition to overcome, like an actual mental disease... or both. Time will tell.