

I recently read a article about social anxiety in a magazine called high spirit and the description of someone with social anxiety sounded a lot like me.

I had ocd throughout my teenage years until i was around well until i was 26 actually. I'm 28 now. I was also bullied until as recently as last year first high school and then in 3 jobs over 8 years

Many people that know me think i seem like a confident person I feel fine with my friends to some extent but doing things alone like is a completely different story.

I have been told i'm weird, lazy, to just get on with it, weird again and also stupid

I am currently using eft and it is working slowly but I will get there
I didnt pay anything to learn eft my sister did the course and taught me and i watch videos on youtube and self adminster that way i would reccommend it to everyone

ok my hello turned into quite a long post sorry
