Hi everyone, I just signed up to this forum. I've had social anxiety my whole life. It got worse once I started puberty. I've been on various medications ever since I was in 7th grade and they haven't really helped me much but mask the problem. I'm currently not on any meds and I don't plan on going on them again. When I started college a few years ago my social anxiety seemed to get worse. I have withdrawn myself from old friends so I don't really have any right now except people I chat with online. It's hard to meet people in person, I just get really nervous and can't think of anything clever to say. I worry too much. And when I don't say much they figure that I'm uninterested and eventually stop talking to me. I've been seeing a therapist and I'm not sure that is helping much, except for the meditation. That helps calm my nerves a bit. But I like coming to forums because it's nice to read about how others are going through the same thing. In some sense I think I will always have social anxiety but I think it can get better with practice and learning various ways to deal with it. Thanks, cristina