Hello New Member here lost and alone!


New member
Hi ,I am new to this forum and don't know my way around it so I hope I have found the right place.
I have been ill with agorophobia and social phobia since 1994 and am on sda,DLA and am very worried about new thing govenment going on about I can barely get out of the door let alone get a job!

I also have phisyical disabilities as I can only walk about 2 steps before being in agony and have to use all sorts of mobility aids to get around inc wheelcair.

I have no friends as I rarely go out only a few 'long distance' ones on other forums and I am already beginning to think they don't want to talk to me as now they never seem to be online anymore and say they will be on and aren't I tell myself they are ill and can't manage it but they leave general messages to other people and not me,WHY?

Everywhere in life i have lost out i had to leave school at 14 coz of the bullying and the bullies followd me home and lived where i lived so i never got to escape despite 3 suicide attempts.

my brother sexually abused me,and hit me ,my mum and dad both died from long illnesses whom i cared for everyday when my brother was out drinking smoking betting and drug taking!!

I am alone sad and desperate does anyone want to be my friend????


Well-known member
That makes my childhood look easy.
Sorry to hear all that
And welcome everyone here is pretty freindly so im sure people will talk to you.


Well-known member
Uhm this sounds too bad to be true. Can barly leave the house, several phobias, bully in school and horrible family incidents. I don't know if I believe this.


Well-known member
That's got to be one of the worst stories I've heard on here...
This is one of the friendliest sites ever. You'll find tons of people.
i'll be your friend! :p

f1honeybunny said:
Hi ,I am new to this forum and don't know my way around it so I hope I have found the right place.
I have been ill with agorophobia and social phobia since 1994 and am on sda,DLA and am very worried about new thing govenment going on about I can barely get out of the door let alone get a job!

I also have phisyical disabilities as I can only walk about 2 steps before being in agony and have to use all sorts of mobility aids to get around inc wheelcair.

I have no friends as I rarely go out only a few 'long distance' ones on other forums and I am already beginning to think they don't want to talk to me as now they never seem to be online anymore and say they will be on and aren't I tell myself they are ill and can't manage it but they leave general messages to other people and not me,WHY?

Everywhere in life i have lost out i had to leave school at 14 coz of the bullying and the bullies followd me home and lived where i lived so i never got to escape despite 3 suicide attempts.

my brother sexually abused me,and hit me ,my mum and dad both died from long illnesses whom i cared for everyday when my brother was out drinking smoking betting and drug taking!!

I am alone sad and desperate does anyone want to be my friend????