Hello, my name is Depression.


My name is Depression.
Let me start off by saying that I am a very complex, yet common existence, if you will.
I come in all different forms.
I do not discriminate on ethnicities, orientation, religion, lifestyle...I can affect anyone!
Sometimes I can be mental, sometimes I can be physical.
Sometimes I can hang around for a long time, sometimes I just pop in once things really start getting good! ;)
Sometimes I can be excruciating, and sometimes I can be bearable.
Some of my traits can be very unique!
I can have phobias, dwell on past, present AND future negative thoughts (sometimes ones that never even happened in the first place and that I can make up completely! Impressive, huh?)
And sometimes I just reflect anger on others to make myself feel better!
I know this hurts others, but oh what joy it gives me!
All I want is to just feel joy!
Even if it is wrong.
I can yell, and scream, and blame others for no reason at all.
Sometimes that damn optimism tries to get in my way though and make me feel guilty about it...
But I do the best I can to keep you on MY side, damn it!
Just think of all the bad things!
...that's right!
I can also be very weary and stand-offish sometimes.
I am very curious and distrusting of people.
Because I am smarter!
Because I know what they are all doing.
What they are all thinking.
What they are all saying.
I know it.
But I don't know anything.
(but it's GOT to be true...)
See what I mean?!
My thoughts are so complex that they start to lose it's sense!
Ugh.. I need to stop thinking like this...
Am I starting to think positively?
No... stop it.
You're worthless.
You're gross.
Eww.. look at that stomach.... are you kidding me?
After everything you know?
It's not a secret on how to lose weight, you know...
God, that is such a clear indication to others how much you actually DON'T care.
You know how to be slimmer... why do you not care?
You KNOW how bad you've alway wanted a thigh gap, idiot... just work at it.
Well, I guess I COULD be somewhat to blame for making you stay in bed all day...
Okay, enough about that!
This is why people give mental disorders like us a bad rep...because of people like YOU.
Lol, Why are you even still alive?
It honestly baffles me.
If you'd just let me control you a LITTLE more!...
Ugh... forget it.
i think I'm gonna stick around for a while, if ya don't mind.
I'll leave whenever I'm ready.
But don't worry!
I'll be back!

Much Hatred,
My Depression </3 :kickingmyself: