Hello... My first post


New member
I stumbled upon this site yesterday while searching the web. I've read some of the post and can relate to many of those discussions. I've never felt that I fit in. I've always felt different. I've had anxiety and depression issues. I haven't had a full blown panic attack in a few years. I definitely have social phobia. I must confess that I've been putting off posting this message all morning. It is now afternoon. Hello everyone. I would like to join in these discussions.


Well-known member
Hey there!! I'm glad you finally posted. :) I think you'll find that it's very comforting to be able to talk about things here that you can't tell other people who don't understand. This forum has changed my life in a good way.
Welcome devon :)
Glad to see someone else from southeast US here :D
Hope posting here is a positive experience for you... I've certainly enjoyed it ::p:


New member
Thanks for the welcomes. This does seem to be a nice place. I hope that these forums help me too. Yes, I am from the southeast. Thanks again.
