I have a lot in common with you. I have no friends, only aquaintences. I am shy around relatives. The shyness is at a different level for each relative though. I never laugh at things most people laugh at either. I honestly don't know what my real laugh sounds like anymore because I never laugh. I do when I'm alone sometimes watching something on T.V. like Seinfeld, but even then it isn't a laugh out loud, it is a quiet sniffing laugh. I laugh through my nose I guess i could call it. Sometimes I laugh in public, but again, it is through my nose. It's embarassing. But for example if someone tries to tell me a joke, I never laugh for real. i have to fake laugh. I just go "SNIFF" through my nose and fake a smile...
i have no adive for you about the pregnant girl situation sorry. reason is because I am horrible at relatopnship adivce since i am a lonely virgin and probably always will be.
I constantly obsess over finding a girl for myself, but I guess there are none out there who understand people like me. I guess all girls expect the boys to make the first move but that is just not possible for me. the only way i would ever get a girl is if she camly talked to me and maybe flirted with me to the point i knew she liked me, then i would maybe muster the courage to say something. i just don't know...
oh shoot i'm so sorry for typing so much. i always ramble on about nothing on here.
but anyways, yes, me and you, we have much in common. welcome to the forum.