hello i'm new! ! !


Active member

I have a lot in common with you. I have no friends, only aquaintences. I am shy around relatives. The shyness is at a different level for each relative though. I never laugh at things most people laugh at either. I honestly don't know what my real laugh sounds like anymore because I never laugh. I do when I'm alone sometimes watching something on T.V. like Seinfeld, but even then it isn't a laugh out loud, it is a quiet sniffing laugh. I laugh through my nose I guess i could call it. Sometimes I laugh in public, but again, it is through my nose. It's embarassing. But for example if someone tries to tell me a joke, I never laugh for real. i have to fake laugh. I just go "SNIFF" through my nose and fake a smile...

i have no adive for you about the pregnant girl situation sorry. reason is because I am horrible at relatopnship adivce since i am a lonely virgin and probably always will be.

I constantly obsess over finding a girl for myself, but I guess there are none out there who understand people like me. I guess all girls expect the boys to make the first move but that is just not possible for me. the only way i would ever get a girl is if she camly talked to me and maybe flirted with me to the point i knew she liked me, then i would maybe muster the courage to say something. i just don't know...

oh shoot i'm so sorry for typing so much. i always ramble on about nothing on here.

but anyways, yes, me and you, we have much in common. welcome to the forum.
Dear screwdriver,

You took the words right out of my mouth, I feel the same way you do. I know it can be really tough. The simplest of things seem so difficult. I look around me and see people freely interacting and long to do the same thing. Sigh...


Well-known member
I can relate to much of what you are saying. I can usually laugh if the joke is funny enough though. I suppose the way I've dealt with these sorts of things is through a process of idiosyncronization. For instance, I've gradually learned to be more and more independent to the point where I care less and less about how I am perceived by most people. My few close friends know me better, and to them (and them alone) I reveal my true self. But outside that, I live another life of school and work. In other words, I've managed to segregate my academic and social lives to the point where the people I hang out with for fun are totally different from the people I am around during my day-to-day routine. In some sense, this has served to isolate me, but it also fosters an air of mystery which I've learned to harness somewhat. Many of my acquaintances don't really know who I am, and I keep it that way. So far, it has worked pretty well because I still have a lot of fun with my "other" group. But we'll see.