Hello Everyone


New to this forum and just registered so I wanted to introduce myself. I don't know if this is the right place for introductions, but the "Introduce Yourself " sectionseemed like it wasn't that active and since my biggest problem is hyperhidrosis of the hands, feet, I thought I would say hello here.
I'm a female in my late 30's and have had hyperhidrosis all my life. It affects my life and as I sit here alone on a Friday night, I hope that this forum will both inform and be of some support as I struggle through my days.


Well-known member

hey lilamsin, how long u had it for ? did u get it when u hit puberty ? have u tried anythin to help your condition ?


I've pretty much had hyperhidrosis since childhood. But nobody wanted to "talk about it," my family thought that I would just grow out of it and that I was just "shy." I tried a Drionic machine many years ago but it was uncomfortable and trying to dry out those wool pads every evening w/o anybody finding out about it was difficult. I have tried some over the counter prescription antiperspirants, but they don't seem to work for me. Due to financial constraints and no insurance, I haven't tried anything else lately. Plus emotionally, it's just really discouraging to keep trying things and no having them work.