Hello all


New member
I just stumbled across this site today and it's already made me feel so much better. I just can't believe so many other people feel this way. I'm 30 and thought I'd got over my SP until quite recently, when a few areas of my life started to go wrong and I began to isolate myself again. It's quite depressing when you think you're 'over it' and it creeps back. Anyway, thanks to all the posters who've started to make me feel half normal again! :) [/b]


Welcome to the site Daffy :) Sorry to hear youve got over it only for it to come back i can imagine that must suck.But if youve beat it once im sure you can again.


Well-known member
Hi Daffy and welcome to this site. I hope that this site helps you understand more about SP and you are able to cure it. It is all mental and people here will take the time to answer your questions the best we can. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Best of luck.


New member
Thanks for that - alot of things are clicking in terms of past and present behaviour just reading through the forums. thanks again for the support :)