heeeeeeres wrong-way


New member
hi folks.my name is don and have been on zoloft for social anxiety for about 8 months.i have a wife and 4 children ages 6-16.just thought id say hi and go check out the forums,,i have had some major changes in my condition over the last 3 months,very sudden and this has caused me to stop working.so off to the forums i go.
wrong-way said:
hi folks.my name is don and have been on zoloft for social anxiety for about 8 months.i have a wife and 4 children ages 6-16.just thought id say hi and go check out the forums,,i have had some major changes in my condition over the last 3 months,very sudden and this has caused me to stop working.so off to the forums i go.

Hi Don,

Welcome to SPW! I had a seizure on zoloft, I was manic on prozac, serzone might have caused liver damage, etc. I don't take meds anymore. For the last two years I've been doing ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) and it has helped a lot. ACT is about increasing our willingness, using mindfulness, values, and being response-able. ACT won't cure us but it will help us deal without meds.