Hear what I'm not saying...


Active member
I worry
that if I tell you
you won't accept me anymore.
It'll be a
"Yeah, I used to know her,"
I think you're unsuspecting
and you'll take your love away
if I tell you how I feel.
For my sake
just get the hint
stop making jokes-
I'm scared of you.
I'm wearing a mask
that has to come off.
Your opinion means
everything to me.
But how do I make you hear what I'm not saying?

I wrote this as an assignment last year in English. I think it turned out totally trippendicular, though.


Well-known member
I relate to this alot. I have agirlfriend who I have had for about 5 years and although the initial mask has come up to some degree I still feel that I hide alot inside my own head, and have changed in ways to gain her approval, ways I want to change back. I am not even sure who I am anymore, so I don't even know how to take off the mask.