He dumped me, feeling sad


New member
Sorry if this is long but i feel really horrible.
ok i met this sa guy 2 months ago. before i was my fiance for 4 yrs ,it was not a good relationship and he treated me like crap. so i ended it. then i meet this guy he knows how all my other bfs have treated me like crap and came forward as a friend. then things got more deeper and we became an item. he is a very nice guy and wanted to treat me right (which he did) he really was too good to be true.
He was very loving.
in the relationship he did seem quite clingy but i didnt mind that.
he was also very paranoid about me dumping him which i said i would never do.
we'd stay over at each others and see alot of each other.
he said stuff like 'i want to be with u for the rest of my life' and that he'd never dump me ( after only knowing me for a short while)

then out the blue the other day he dumped me. his reasons were

he thinks i deserve someone better
he wants some space to sort himself out -his sa, etc (why didnt he think of that before?)
he wants to get his own place , be closer to his friends
he didnt feel a conection with me (yet he made all those promises)

i just feel so hurt and used. i cant beleive hes done this and he said he was different to all those other arseholes.

its very complicated i know. situation now is he still wants to be friends, im still special to him. we are both lonely ppl.

i just dont know how he can just suddenly want to be friends. i know he feels very bad about all this but i am still angry . i do care about him , i want him back, but i dont know how this is gonna work. what should i do?
stop all contact for a while? but wont that just prolong the hurt?

any comments or advice?


Well-known member
Awww Big hugs.

Just because he's decided to end things with you it doesnt make him an ass hole. Its easy to get carried away with the love stuff and promises in the first flushes of love. I think most of us have done that at sometime. He sounds like a nice guy really. Just maybe not ready for as much as you would like from him.

Let the dust settle for a while, let your broken heart and feelings fade a bit and then you can decide if a friendship or total break from him is what you need.


Well-known member
nothing much to comment here - a typical SAer guy who goes for the first female he gets chance to meet wheather he likes her or not..


Well-known member

I agree with the privious coments. This person is not a jerk just like you would not be a jerk if it was you who dumped him. Like the privous coment mention looks like a classic anxiety guy but you didnt mentioned if you had anxiety your self.

I wouldnt recomend being friends at least not yet. What if he got a new girl? You would then hate him even more but thats just my oponion.

Oh and most thing do not just happen. He probaly was thinking about leaving you for a longer period than it appeared.