Having Perfect Possessions


New member
Hi. I really need help on an anxiety, or obsession that I have, I do not know how to properly diagnose it, please help me.

When I was a kid, I use to have to make everything tidy, or I would be very uncomfortable. The most I worried about was the sofa covers, if the sofa covers were sat on and wrinkled, I would have to run and fix them as I do homework. The next symptoms I felt as I grew older, was how I have to explain things to everybody. Such as: I looked at the clock as I typed this message, because I looked at it to see if I still have enough time for my homework after I type it. That obsession did not last as long as being tidy.

But the final thing is, and this is what I have been bothering me for awhile and what made me post this. I have an obsession with keeping having things perfect. Most notably, my iTouch. I have returned my iTouch 7-8 times in total to get an iTouch that doesn't have a loose hold button that wiggles left and right. Any little thing less than perfect I would be extremely uneasy about. I want to obtain a PERFECT item. I want to HAVE this thing that has no flaw, that is mine. I have noticed that if I press the screen down, it goes down a little. Especially on the bottom left. I have done research and a lot of people have this problem about the iTouch going down. It makes a faint mush sound if you put it up into your ear. I can't help but to press it down over and over again, wishing it wasn't there. I really just want to love it, but can't because of the imperfection. I have bought at least $50 worth of cases and skins to protect it from scratches.

Please, can you guys tell me something about this problem where I can just stop feeling sorry for myself about my possessions? The more I talk about it, the more I want to run upstairs and get my iTouch to press on it. The sound cannot even be heard if I don't put my ears against it, and it seems to be a problem because there is no circuit boards under the bottom left side of an iTouch screen. I always think it's because I slept with it in my bed, I didn't wake up with it under of me, but after I found it next to my side in my bed, I had to immensely check it, and there goes the problem.

I always tell people this is my OCD, I hope you guys have some more information.

Thank you for reading.