Having a different type of humor


I find myself sometimes with people who I'm just not funny with, but I don't really think of them as being 'funny'. Like, I see them as being generically funny, or like having a mainstream style of humor. Like example say we're watchin tv and they'll imitate some actor but use all this facial expression and stuff, and everybody laughs and ha ha, but I just sit there with the half-smile.

I don't know, my humor comes out of situations. Not really in your face kind. The kind where you 'just gotta know him' otherwise it's not funny.

But sometimes I feel I need to learn to be more spontaneous and just laugh or find out how to add my perspective on it, even if that means calling them on it but doing so in a light humorous way.

Do any of you ever confuse this kind of thing with being shy?? In other words, are you quiet because you're shy or quiet because you're annoyed or un-entertained? And do people confuse the two?


Well-known member
Yea, I'm a got-to-know-'em type too. People that know me often point out that i'm really funny. But when I start running off at the mouth, it's always either really negative or really bizzare, so if im trying to joke with someone that doesnt know that I dont really mean what's coming out of my mouth, they get all offended or confused.

What sucks is people who get all offended when you dont think they're funny. One time, I went out on a date (bad date. I quit dates!) and the guy told me this joke, "How do you know that the toothbrush was invented in mississippi? Because if it was invented in any other state, it would be called a teethbrush! Get it?!" and I said,"...I dont think so. Tell it again." So he told it again, and I still didnt lauph so he said, "Get it now? PLEASE dont tell me I have to explain it to you!" and I said, "No, I get it. It's just not funny." (What?! That was the worst joke ever!) and he got all huffy for the rest of the date. HERE COMES THE POINT: dont be a dick? 0_o...I have no idea what Im talking about.
But when I start running off at the mouth, it's always either really negative or really bizzare, so if im trying to joke with someone that doesnt know that I dont really mean what's coming out of my mouth, they get all offended or confused.

The same thing happens to me...


Well-known member
I think its the same as when outgoing people talk, and its nonsense, sometimes boring, but the sheer volume of the uh... talky-ness just keeps the atmosphere going. And fends off that dreaded awkward silence.

Maybe the person joking knows their jokes suck, but since no one else is trying to lighten the atmosphere they just decided to put themselves out there. Might as well fake laugh at that stuff.


Well-known member
A friend of my house mate just recites lines from movies and TV shows word for word endlessly and I find it funny for about a minute and then feel paralysed if it goes on any longer. I can't contribute in any way, even if I knew the lines I'd be too anxious to recite them. I think I have a good sense of humour though, just some people are a bit full on - it's not ALWAYS you either - there are some people who love the sound of their voice and talk far too much.


Well-known member
noblame4 said:
What sucks is people who get all offended when you dont think they're funny. One time, I went out on a date (bad date. I quit dates!) and the guy told me this joke, "How do you know that the toothbrush was invented in mississippi? Because if it was invented in any other state, it would be called a teethbrush! Get it?!" and I said,"...I dont think so. Tell it again." So he told it again, and I still didnt lauph so he said, "Get it now? PLEASE dont tell me I have to explain it to you!" and I said, "No, I get it. It's just not funny." (What?! That was the worst joke ever!) and he got all huffy for the rest of the date. HERE COMES THE POINT: dont be a dick? 0_o...I have no idea what Im talking about.

lol... you ARE funny

yeah that was pretty bad. what's worse is 1) he probably had that joke ready and was like "Women love guys with a sense of humor, oh man this joke is SO gonna get me laid tonight" and/or 2) when you didn't laugh he probably thought, "This girl has no sense of humor"

I think that's what bugs me the most about those situations. Like if someone tells a terribly corny joke and I don't laugh (or I groan or cringe, which sometimes happens) then people will sometimes say out loud "Get a sense of humor." Like isn't it just possible that the joke sucks?

There used to be this guy at my work who never laughed much but he was still a "jokey" guy, it kind of sucks that he's gone cuz he made me feel better about my not laughing.

But my boss was attempting to tell this joke, I'm sure you've heard it, something like:

Waiter comes up to customer to take his order. Customer says "I'll have the updog!" Waiter asks "What's updog?" and Customer says "Not much g, what's up with you?"

Okay. Granted it's terrible. But she wasn't even telling it right. She was just going up to people and saying, "Hey Mike!... UPDOG!" with a big smile on her face. And then I'd be like "Huh?"

So this girl walks in with the other non-laughing guy and my boss goes "Hey Stacy!... UPDOG!" and Stacy's like "What?" and she's like "No, you're supposed to say 'What's updog?'" and Stacy's like "I am?" So then my boss finally just flat out TELLS her to say "What's updog," like forcing her to take part in the joke which is incredibly weird to me. So Stacy says it and my boss delivers the punchline.

Well I was sitting there after hearing the joke for the fourth or so time, and the non-laughing guy just looks at me. And gives me just a total serious face, not even a hint of a smile, like devoid of any real emotion and says "That's weak," and goes into his office. I laughed so hard, not at the joke obviously which was less than hilar, but at my co-worker's reaction. I couldn't contain myself.

Later on I thought, if he can do that then I can too. He's fine with his own reaction to a lameass joke, so I'll be fine with mine.


Well-known member
tpdarlo said:
A friend of my house mate just recites lines from movies and TV shows word for word endlessly and I find it funny for about a minute and then feel paralysed if it goes on any longer. I can't contribute in any way, even if I knew the lines I'd be too anxious to recite them. I think I have a good sense of humour though, just some people are a bit full on - it's not ALWAYS you either - there are some people who love the sound of their voice and talk far too much.

eww that sounds awful... I would absolutely hate to hang out with him. There's nothing worse than a person who doesn't know when to stop with the jokes.

that's like this guy i know who tries to do voices of teevee characters that people shouldn't even try to do. like you know how there are just some songs that a band should never try to cover? same thing with The Simpsons and South Park, two of my all-time favorite shows.

don't get me wrong, my friends and i reference simpsons and SP (hereinafter refers to South Park and not Social Phobia) all the time, but there's this guy I know who will try to do the voices of the characters. Nobody can do a good Homer or Bart or Cartman. It's so uncomfortable when he does it, so I just try not to bring those shows up around him. But seriously, just leave those voices alone! lol

and yes i think this is a very important issue in our society


Well-known member
I just want to say that I wish I could do what NOBLAME4 did. Im getting so sick and tired of fake laughing and now I just want to be honest. Sometimes i just want to yell "Shut the hell up! your not funny!" after Ive been fake laughing with some person whos been tryin to get along with me/crack jokes. Fake laughing is a total bitch and I wanna stop, but I just cant b/c it kills everything when you don't. But i dont really care anymore so the next time I fake laugh im just gonna get away from that person. Thats proabably alot smarter than saying that remark from a couple of lines above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^