Have you gone out with someone who didn't have SA?


If you have dated someone who was sociable and had lots of friends and stuff, what was it like? Did they know about your SA and what was their feelings or reaction to it. Did the relationship work? :roll: Sorry bout all the questions but i wanna know lol :lol:


Well-known member
Im dating someone without s/a at the moment, to be honest i perfere it completly. This person is very understanding and caring. I get alot out of the relationship, i pick up simple little thing my partner does thats a positive....
BUT its still very very hard due to the s/a, im lucky that if i dont wanna go out its unerstood, but it doesnt stop the thoughts/fears and the negitive feelings are increased alittle. The hardest part is meeting their friends - who are of course all outgoing and happy, i just have to deal with it though if i want this to work.
Friends on the other hand is horrible... i would say i have 2 friends, 1 of which treats me like crap but i let him because its a friend! I feel i need to let this person go, to be honest hes not a very likeable person in the first place,puts everyone above me - even strangers.the other is my ex who lives far far away now.

Sorry if i went on abit there, just explaining my situation to myself :p

i dont thnk friends is all its cracked up to be - what comes with friends is alot of pressure and drama...but of course it depends on the person.
As for relationships, ive had afew and afew one night stands and have only taken possitives away from them.

Its a 2 way thing - when people arent there we want them but when they are its so hard!


Well-known member
Yeah I have. It was okay, because I wanted to be with her so it forced me to try to be outgoing and what not. But I sometimes felt we never really fully understood each other. I never told her about my SP.

I am now with someone who has the same type of problems as I do, and while it gets kind of weird sometimes, I think it is better this way because we always understand each other in that area.


Well-known member
ava said:
If you have dated someone who was sociable and had lots of friends and stuff, what was it like? Did they know about your SA and what was their feelings or reaction to it. Did the relationship work? :roll: Sorry bout all the questions but i wanna know lol :lol:

I have a few times. There's a lot of positive aspects to it. Personally, I prefer it. When you date a girl without SA, there's gonna be a bigger demand for social activity, and if you want the relationship to work, you gotta force yourself out the door and have fun.

For me, it's the only time I've ever been to find the motivation needed to do normal people things... like going to clubs, theme parks, new restaurants, etc.

I don't tell them about the SA. Once you confess, you lose all motivation to be social. At least I do. I prefer giving off the image that I'm confident and fun-loving, as it's a challenge for me to live up to that image and that's what I need.