Have you ever sent a private Email to the wrong person..?


Well-known member
I just did.. & now i wanna curl up & die.. !
It's all my own fault, i've been talking with some girl on line who i really like & bullshitting her really about my job & status & now she has found out what i really do for a living & it's nothing like i said..
Any of you guys got any similar stories so i can seek a little comfort in knowing i'm not the only 1..??


Well-known member
I have once sent a text message to the wrong person. Actually, I was talking about someone and ended up sending the message to that very same person.


Well-known member
Sacrament said:
I have once sent a text message to the wrong person. Actually, I was talking about someone and ended up sending the message to that very same person.

HAHAHA...! Was you talking bad shit about them..??


Well-known member
I wouldn't say talking shit. I was just talking about how unfairly she was treating me and all that, nothing that she didn't know already. I apologized right away for sending the text message to her, but as you can imagine, I was so frustrated about it that I yelled "shit" a couple of times (this was during the night) and almost smashed my cellphone. There was nothing on that text message that she didn't already know.


Active member
i wanted to call my dad on the phone and and when the other person said hi i started talking about a lot of bullshit.. it took me 2 minutes to find out i wasn't talking to my dad.. LOL :oops: :oops: