Have people not liked you cause of your anxiety/nervousness?


Well-known member
I always worry people wont like me cause im nervous and anxious.Do you ever get worries like this in new situations?


Well-known member
It's my worry that people wont like me because i'm nervous and anxious that make me nervous and anxious.A vicious cycle that I seem to have a hard time stopping. :cry:


Well-known member
I always feel like people will think it's too much work getting to know me that they'll give up. It takes me a while to talk to people i don't know and even longer to open up about myself. I also think people get annoyed that i can't carry on a normal conversation when i first meet them. :(


Well-known member
I'm good at 'attracting' people from a distance, but as soon as they get anywhere near me, I start to clam up and give off negative body language e.g. keep my head down. I've done that to a few people that have tried to get to know me in the past.


Well-known member
Yes, all the time. I have two sides. I either come off as an aloof sarcastic asshole or a shy mentally retarded person. Either way most people get the wrong impression of me and end up hating me or thinking im a complete idiot. It sucks balls, but what can you do but live with it?


Well-known member
Yes, all the time. I have two sides. I either come off as an aloof sarcastic asshole or a shy mentally retarded person. Either way most people get the wrong impression of me and end up hating me or thinking im a complete idiot. It sucks balls, but what can you do but live with it?
Nicely put.. feel the same way.. though more often mentally retarted person.

Hm. Anyone of you who just feel like you move kind of weird? like you feel you walk all robotic and handicapped? (and no I'm not talking about electric boogie..)


Well-known member
yeah..i feel like i am a robot most of the time that says hello goodbye and thank you to store clerks...that is most of my conversation for the day anyways..
it sucks. 8O



i push people away because i am afraid they'll find out i have no friends
and that i dont like to go out or act normally as everyone.
you know what i mean?
i dont know if they like me or not...
i know some think i am nice and cute whatever but i just
dont open up to them, i dont want them to get to know me better.
thats because i feel weird and that my social life are bad...
and afterwards i feel so bad about it,
and on the other hand i feel relieved.

i hate that ! how can i control it?


New member
cherish said:
Yes, all the time. I have two sides. I either come off as an aloof sarcastic asshole or a shy mentally retarded person.

Same here. But with me no one ever gets a chance to decide whether they like me or not because I prevent them from getting close enough to find out.