Has anyone tried that other social anxiety forum?


Well-known member
I am new here, I am very pro-active at beating SA, I am making great progress and really hope to chat to like minded determined people to overcome SA. I love the challenge of overcoming SA and would love to chat to people who also are so determined to beat SA.

I was banned from the other forum, has anyone else had bad experiences on that forum? The moderators/management are just really bad there, they are on such a power trip, they lock posts if they are positive and proactive, they hate positive pro-active posts, they are patronising and smug and love to put you down and label you as mentally ill, they are totally totally against people discussing SA and the links of very low confidence.

So here I am. I know I am getting close to the answers to beating SA. SA in my opinion is not a mental illness like the team on the other forum believe. I believe we are the way we are today from all the experiences we have encountered. I accept we all have different views and if what I say is wrong in your opinion I can understand that. But I believe SA is just a term to describe extremely low self confidence and self esteem. If you have negative beliefs on yourself and have no confidence in certain situations or around certain people, then of course you are going to be anxious. And you will never overcome SA until you sort out those two issues. Look at any confident person in life, they have positive self image, they are not self conscious and insecure, they like themselves, they have confidence in who they are, they have confidence in their abilities to succeed and handle situations thrown at them. You need both of these qualities to succeed.

I really hope to chat lots about this with people. I am so determined to overcome SA, I hope I can help others and others can help me too.
I was banned also, then my posts were labelled "spammer" and now all my posts have been deleted.

Personally I think ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) can help us a lot. But on the other "support" site they asked me to stop talking about it.

So if the other site doesn't want their members to get better than f them.


Well-known member
sabbath92001 said:
I was banned also, then my posts were labelled "spammer" and now all my posts have been deleted.

Personally I think ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) can help us a lot. But on the other "support" site they asked me to stop talking about it.

So if the other site doesn't want their members to get better than f them.

I think its terrible that a website which is supposed to be dedicated towards supporting SA sufferers would be strict on posting links to other sites. I mean that is just wrong, but it doesn't surprise me with that forum.
I don't want to mention their website as I think they are so pathetic, they don't deserve any links. Its just a shame its run by such negative, pathetic people who only run the site so they can live out their dreams of having power by playing big brother.

I hope a lot of the forum members who are pro-active there will come over here. We just couldn't have a proper conversation without it being locked or people putting a negative slant on it and if you argued your case the whole post would be deleted and you would be warned to stop arguing with people. It was unbelievable.

I mean if you know what website I am on about, check out my posts, I am under the same username. You would think I have committed the cardinal sin.

Really pathetic forum.

But hey, we can overcome it here, I am committed to posting on here until I overcome it. And today I think I have found the answer, but need to look in more detail to see if I really have.

Thanks for your post, it was interesting.


Well-known member
Yes that is the right forum.

Its well known by a high proportion of the people there that the people who run it treat people like babies and love to censor the board to extreme levels. They think people are not capable of having a bit of a difference of opinion. And its the negative person who will always be judged as right. They hate positive posts on there.

What really annoyed me there was people telling me, including Thunder who runs it, that I am mentally ill. When I say that I really am not mentally ill, I am not sick in the head, I just lack confidence. And for people who don't know me whatseoever then make the assumption I am mentally ill and post smiley faces by their comments labelling me as mentally ill, its just so out of order. You are going to be a bit upset about it and argue your case why you are not. But arguing my case got me banned. Like I say, they are on a power trip, they are a waste of time and effort. They won't listen to you, they are so stubborn, they are so fixed in their way of thinking that they are not willing to listen to others.

Its for the best to be out of there. There was very little there to help me progress. I refuse to let anyone as pathetic as that man have any control over me. I wouldn't even leave him in control of making a jelly.


Charlie, the reality is, on the other board, they don't put up with people who chastise members for being negative, start arguments when someone posts a opposing opinion, and continually question how the board is run.

As for positive or pro-active posts not being allowed on that forum, that is total crap and you know it. There are forums that deal directly with those areas.

Some people enjoyed reading your posts, but unfortunatly, you didn't have sense enough to keep from getting banned over and over. If you would have just stuck to your positive posts and not thrown a hissy fit most every time someone disagreed with your viewpoints, you would have still been allowed to be there.


For one thing, you're not new to this forum... You went under the user name Jim_Bergerac on this forum. Another thing, it's really bad form to put down another forum when only one side of the story is being told.

On SAS, no one told you that you were mentally ill. You can say that you're not and that's fine, you're the one that made an issue of it. It's well known that SA is a mental illness but you don't have to take that label if you don't want to. No one forced you to think that.

As far as you being banned, you constantly abused and put down people that had differing opinions and badgered people that were obviously depressed as far as your views went. You were given many, many chances and told what you were doing wrong. You were the one that chose not the abide by the rules. You rejoined under many different user names, mis-representing yourself to the members, which, in my opinion, is just sad.

Speaking to the issue of how SAS is moderated, we strive to keep SAS a safe place where people can be allowed to vent, seek help and communicate with each other. This includes negative things. Many times, you objected to people that were 'too negative' and put them down for this. Think of negative talking as a closed wound that hasn't healed properly. The only way to allow healing is to vent all the pus out of the wound. Without that, healing is impossible.

You seem to have the opinion that you're views are right and that everyone else is wrong. You may not say that outright but I've read enough of your posts to see that you deem everyone else's opinion void.

If you had wanted to avoid the more negative parts of the board, there are many other parts that center on positive thinking, goal setting and such. It was your choice to post where you did.


Well-known member
euphoria13 said:
For one thing, you're not new to this forum... You went under the user name Jim_Bergerac on this forum. Another thing, it's really bad form to put down another forum when only one side of the story is being told.

On SAS, no one told you that you were mentally ill. You can say that you're not and that's fine, you're the one that made an issue of it. It's well known that SA is a mental illness but you don't have to take that label if you don't want to. No one forced you to think that.

As far as you being banned, you constantly abused and put down people that had differing opinions and badgered people that were obviously depressed as far as your views went. You were given many, many chances and told what you were doing wrong. You were the one that chose not the abide by the rules. You rejoined under many different user names, mis-representing yourself to the members, which, in my opinion, is just sad.

Speaking to the issue of how SAS is moderated, we strive to keep SAS a safe place where people can be allowed to vent, seek help and communicate with each other. This includes negative things. Many times, you objected to people that were 'too negative' and put them down for this. Think of negative talking as a closed wound that hasn't healed properly. The only way to allow healing is to vent all the pus out of the wound. Without that, healing is impossible.

You seem to have the opinion that you're views are right and that everyone else is wrong. You may not say that outright but I've read enough of your posts to see that you deem everyone else's opinion void.

If you had wanted to avoid the more negative parts of the board, there are many other parts that center on positive thinking, goal setting and such. It was your choice to post where you did.

I have never read such rubbish in my whole life. None of what you say is true at all, I have not laughed so much for a long time. Do you know that a huge cross section of the posters on SAS forum believe the mods are just on one huge power trip and think you are pathetic?

1 - Cold Fury said I was mentally ill and put a smiley face by it.
2 - I did not mis-represent myself as someone else. I tried to reply but my username has been banned by you, so I had to reply as a new person and in order to not get banned by saying I am Charlie again I replied trying to explain what I meant. So it wasn't sad.
3 - I never thought my views are right for everyone. I always say I can understand if people do not agree, people all suffer differently, but I just hated the way you and some others always said I was wrong without giving reason and often locking my posts and being smug that I was wrong. It was so patronising.
4 - People could write negative posts, I simply asked was it doing any of us any good if people are just continuing dwelling on things. I asked that question and you locked it and banned me. :roll:

Yes I did post as Jim_Bergerac on here but I couldn't remember my password.

As for abusing people, I simply argued my point of view strongly with people who kept patronising my views and saying I am wrong without any reason. Funnily enough you were the most patronising. Do you know when I found your forum I was so excited feeling I would find the way to overcome SA. How wrong I was. You couldn't write positive posts without people like you throwing your negative beliefs in. I did not go on to negative posts whatsoever and having hissy fits. It was negative people like you coming on to my positive posts and saying I was talking crap that infuriated me.

I don't know why you have come over to this forum to check what people are writing about your forum. I know you do not like freedom of speech, but you can't ban me for telling the truth here. You must be gutted.

I am glad to be off your petty forum, because I will find the answer to overcoming SA and I do not want your site to have any credit in it.
Leave it alone guys, people have arguments online, it happens, not everyone will like certain members or certain mods or certain forums. Just stick to where you're happy and let others do the same. Everyone is entitled to like or dislike forums.


jinxed said:
post deleted

No one ever put him down, he is the one that was mocking everyone else, if you didn't believe as he did you were negative and not trying to beat SA, he was insulting to those of us that are trying to over come SA, but if we don't do it as he thinks we should........we're not doing it right. He went over board. If you've never posted on the board.......Then reserve your opinions, if you look hard enough you can dig shit up about anyone.


charlieHungerford said:
What really annoyed me there was people telling me, including Thunder who runs it, that I am mentally ill. When I say that I really am not mentally ill, I am not sick in the head, I just lack confidence. [quote
charlieHungerford said:

No, I don't recall Thunder ever calling you mentally ill, I have seen him and other mods come unglued when people are referred to in disrespectful matters . Now, I have heard that SA is a mental illness, if you look at the criteria for mental illness SA fits. It wasn't done as an insult, it was a basic criteria. SA isn't caused cause you're butt is having problems, it's because of an issue with the mind.

I think Mr. Fury did say something along these lines, but, in what context............ He has an incredible time, all things considered he's doing the best he can, you don't walk in his shoes, your ways won't work for him, he got tired of it.

Michael, it's wonderful that you want to correct SA, I think YOU are on the right track, but it's not going to work the same for everyone, some of us are extremely hardcore. It's not what you would say, it's how you would say it, insulting at times, and, you were warned over and over.


Well-known member
Speaking to the issue of how SAS is moderated, we strive to keep SAS a safe place where people can be allowed to vent, seek help and communicate with each other. This includes negative things.

Er...SAS is too negative? If anything, the cheerleading that takes place, and the censorship of anything remotely negative, is excessive. I've noticed SAUK starting to go carebear recently too. Not that this site is ideal and has its share of drama to be sure; however, I usually finding myself perusing this board more than the others out there when time permits.
If people don't want to use SAS, then don't. People should be able to choose not to use a certain site without having the mods of that site following them around. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. So just drop it. This isn't the place to bitch about other forums quite frankly, if you want to defend your own forum, do it there. Don't bring drama here if you wouldn't want it on your own boards.


Btw, I am not a mod at SAS.

Charlie made the topic, so yes, he's the one that was bitching about another forum. I've made my point and am done with the topic as long as he shuts up about it.