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I consider myself a pretty forgiving person - especially when it comes with my relationship with my BF. Yet, I don't forget the things that he has done to hurt me. There's only 1 major thing that pissed me off.. I didn't talk to him for a week and said we were done. I found a journal entry in which he basically said his coworker was super cool and hot and he's trying not to date her. We were going through a little bit of troubling times, but neither of us thought opur relationship was completely over. Honestly, I don't think he had a chance with her.. She's just a dumb girl that showed him a little bit of attention so she can get a weekend off. But this girl fits a certain 'look' that I know that he finds attractive. So whenever I am out with him at a store or whatever and I see a girl that I think he would find attractive, I get really really upset. I'll grow very quiet and he will ask, 'What's wrong?" etc. and then I will be in a pissy mood.
Things are okay at this point (3 mo. after this occurance), but I always think back to the journal entry that I found, etc. And I can't help to think, would he leave me if someone that he finds attractive was interested in him? I just feel like he can't find anyone else, so he is 'settling' for me. I am an educated, nice, pretty girl.. Yet I don't fit the 'look' that he is apparently attraccted to. And it makes me mad. I am not sure how I can continue on. I do dwell on things.. How do I get over this? Should I get over this? Uggh. Any thoughts..?
Things are okay at this point (3 mo. after this occurance), but I always think back to the journal entry that I found, etc. And I can't help to think, would he leave me if someone that he finds attractive was interested in him? I just feel like he can't find anyone else, so he is 'settling' for me. I am an educated, nice, pretty girl.. Yet I don't fit the 'look' that he is apparently attraccted to. And it makes me mad. I am not sure how I can continue on. I do dwell on things.. How do I get over this? Should I get over this? Uggh. Any thoughts..?