Hanging in there will make you stronger

I said in a previoius post that the only time i get my anxiety and blushy face is when im crowded with a bunch of people, especially ones i know and love. Last night im watching college basketball in my living room alone in my house all calm and relaxed when i heard two car doors slam outside. i get up to look and see it was my older brother his girlfriend, one of my best friends his girlfriend and 2 other girls i know that i havent seen in a while. now its common for a couple to stop by and its not a big problem, but this was a bit different because it was 6 people all coming to see me and two were 2 girls i have not seen in a while. once i saw who it was i started to get a little anxious and ryled up because i know i had to face the situation, there was nothing i can do at this point. I told myself to just relax and go through with the situation no matter how un comfortable it gets. than i said na fuck that, i said to myself i said why dont you show these people how anxious and uptight you are and get sweaty nervous and get a red face and face your problems like a man and let it all out. after i told myself this they came in about a minute later and i said hi and greeted everyone normally and while i was doing this i was trying to become as nervous as possible in hopes of a slight breakdown so i can finally release this to everyone what the fuck my problem is. about 2 minutes after trying to become overwhelmed, i simply couldn't, there was nothing i can do, i even tried to act hyper to try and bring it on but it wouldn't. i felt so good that i poured everyone a drink and invited them to watch the ending of the duke game. after about 15 minutes or so i didnt even think once about it because i was tired of trying to bring on the stress that i simply just let it go in my mind without me even knowing. about a half an hour later after a nice drink and chatting they were getting ready to leave and i said ohh come on one more drink(which i would never say, i would be trying to kick them out), they decided to go and i walked outside with them and said bye. the rest of the night i felt great and slept normal and felt great waking up this morning. i go to the deli every morning and sit in the corner away from everyone and read the paper and eat. today i sit in the center of a crowd, ate and stayed longer than normal. i did this knowing that i cant bring on stress when i try so i just simply try and thats the key to not have anxiety.

i encourage everyone to try this once for a long enough time to feel comfortable with yourself. it worked for me and now im going out to the bar tonight with a bunch of friends im meeting up with. im gonna try to bring it on again and i'll let you know how it goes tonight.


Well-known member
Sounds good, i can imagine how relieved and uplifted you must have felt. Will give this a try in the shops tomorrow.

Hope you have fun tonight. Let us know how it goes.
well the night went pretty good, i was a bit overwhelmed at first being around like 100 people at once for the first time in like 3 months but after the first hour i was perfectly fine and i feel i can take on just about anything. we'll just have to see about that..

if this doesent work for you the first time just keep doing it and i can guarantee it will make you feel more confident and stronger because the anxiety roots from the fear of what other people will think, well atleast for me. if you can get over that hump than i dont see what there is to worry about so give it a shot.


Well-known member
I sympathise with how you are feeling. I've said on here before that one of my big problems is my inability to express how I'm really feeling, and that maybe if I outwardly become sad and stressed and nervous, I wouldn't feel so isolated. So yeah, I basically thought I should go emo :p The fact you tried to do this and actually got a really positive experience out of it is encouraging. I'll have to try... I'll see. Most likely I'll just end up dying my hair black and talking to strangers about the angst in my soul... :p
if you think about it there is nothing to be ashamed of because everyone has there own problems, so if you fear not to get it off your chest than that means there is nothing to fear. anxirty roots from fear so if there is no fear there will soon be no anxiety. this is why crazy people are crazy because they dont fear anything(death,jail,ect..) leaving them in a state of mind to do anything that there mind feels. the only time you dont have anxiety is when you are not fearing it.