Grow some balls!


Well-known member
First off, this isn't a blatant attack to those that are shy. This is from my own experience. Because I was so shy, in fact, that I became a 'people pleaser'. You know what that's like? Agreeing with people because you're too afraid to have a difference of opinion...? Never having 'real' friends because you could never open up and be yourself? Letting other people step on you, because they were assholes and you couldn't stand up to them?

If you've felt anything like this, this one goes out to you. If you don't feel like this, you're probably not shy to begin with! It's normal, but if you want to feel better about yourself, less afraid, and maybe even a little more motivated, you've come to the right place. All you have to do is break a few bad habits.

1. You have to know you have nothing to prove.

I struggled with this day and night. By day, I would try to prove (to the world) that I was a happy, likable guy. By night, I'd try to prove I was confident, and think I was better than some other people. (not literally by day and night, but you get the idea). The only thing is, I never felt any better on either side of the fence. Actually, I felt quite a lot like shit, because I was trying to prove myself, instead of just being myself. I was trying to be 'worthy' of being liked. And this made me very fearful, and no matter how many friends I had, I still felt secluded - because I could never open up to them. And let me tell you, I never want to be in that position again.

By trying to prove something to other people, the message you send to your own mind is simply "I don't like myself, so I'm going to hide my true personality and hope that more people like me!". But the thing is, people like you more when you're yourself anyway! So point #1: Be yourself, and like that person you are.

2. Grow some damn balls!

Like I said, this statement isn't a belittling one. When I say this, I really mean "Embrace yourself, love yourself, and do it no matter who tries to stand in your way!". Like I said about avoiding conflict and confrontation - it's always to your own expense (in case you haven't noticed, both steps 1 and 2 are pretty much two sides to the same issue).

In my quest to try to be the most 'people-pleasing-most-likable-guy-in-the-universe', I would consequently get picked on often by both family and friends. Why? Cause I was an easy target. I had a developed, matured personality of my own (and so do you, believe it or not), but I just wouldn't let it show. Therefore, people perceived me as being weak and if I was ever insulted, I'd just agree with them. Even though I wanted to punch some of them in the face, I held myself back.

But when you 'grow some balls' and let your own personality show, somehow you get a little more well-deserved respect. It's not about being higher or lower than anybody else, it's all about seeing yourself as an equal. And it also shows that nobody, in the entire world, can ever make you happy. Only you can.

Anyways, yeah. Don't make the same mistake I did, being a people-pleaser is probably the most degrading thing one can do to themselves! Good luck, I pass the torch on to you :)


Well-known member
Shyness......people pleasing.....

There is, and I can only speak for myself, much truth in what the person who made this post has observed.

"People Pleasing" is a coping mechanism. Our parents like it because it lets them label me as "a perfect child". Bob was so easy to get along with.

Yet during my childhood I had low self esteem, no self confidence, anger, and loneliness. Did I mention no friends.

My next brother was loud, rebellious, had lots of friends...and for years I sensed my parents considered him their favourite. ( Jealousy on my part ).

Because I was quiet until the last 5 years....they thought I was ok about my shitty childhood.

Sadly it took until I was 55 before I decided to "SMASH" the myth that my childhood was happy, and that my family was FUNCTIONAL.

I no longer have to carry around each day the 100lb weight I was carrying about how bad it was.

Was I a "people pleaser" ? Sure. Had 50 Gold Medals in this character defect. This habit.

So thanks for the post.
Well I'm upper upper class high society
God's gift to ballroom notoriety
And I always fill my ballroom
The event is never small
The social pages say I've got
The biggest balls of all

I've got big balls
I've got big balls
They're such big balls
And they're dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
(But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

And my balls are always bouncing
My ballroom always full
And everybody cums and cums again
If your name is on the guest list
No one can take you higher
Everybody says I've got
Great balls of fire

I've got big balls
Oh I've got big balls
And they're such big balls
Dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
(But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

Some balls are held for charity
And some for fancy dress
But when they're held for pleasure
They're the balls that I like best
My balls are always bouncing
To the left and to the right
It's my belief that my big balls
Should be held every night

We've got big balls
We've got big balls
We've got big balls
Dirty big balls
He's got big balls
She's got big balls
(But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

(We've got big balls)
(We've got big balls)

And I'm just itching to tell you about them
Oh we had such wonderful fun
Seafood cocktail, crabs, crayfish
(But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

(Ball sucker)
(Ball sucker)
(Ball sucker)
(Ball sucker)


Well-known member
I've got balls of steel! I still feel socially inept near strangers, though. I have no idea what to say to keep a conversation going. Sometimes it's hilarious, but most of the time I can tell that it's awkward.


Active member
Carstuar said:
I've got balls of steel! I still feel socially inept near strangers, though. I have no idea what to say to keep a conversation going. Sometimes it's hilarious, but most of the time I can tell that it's awkward.

I think that the best thing is just to ask various questions of them. They say that people love to talk about themselves so if you can start the other person going on about themselves then you have it made.

By the way,Carstuar,I just googled your problem and there are many sites and other things to help with your problem. ( )

Regarding the original post;For the last few years,I've felt like I have balls of aluminum. :? :p


Well-known member
Lots and lots of lovely big balls!lol.

I agree with the original post, well done ball crunchers, or growers, I am not sure. :)

Peace xxx
the first day i found this site I was trying to convince myself to finally just grow a pair, metaphorically of course. And then this is one of the first topics that I found. I certainly am struggling wiht getting the confidence to do a lot of stuff and knowing the fact that I am my own person and don't have to appease everyone around me. i know this certainly is a huge step and appreciate the honesty regarding the situation


New member
Infected_Malignity said:
If you've felt anything like this, this one goes out to you. If you don't feel like this, you're probably not shy to begin with!

I'm quite shy and if I don't vocalize that I disagree with something it's not because I'm after people's approval. I just tend not to talk.


Well-known member
to the OP..

I am constantly troubled by the whole 'people pleasing' thing.

I go out of my way to please, and agree with, others and in the midst of it all totally disregard my own opinions and thoughts all the time. i HATE IT.

the question is, how did you learn to change.

how did you do it?