Grey box of doom


Hey peeps

Every time i try and log in on chat i just get this grey box :? Anyone have any ideas? Do i need to have somthing installed or should it just run anyway.Any help would be appreciated because ive never been able to get into chat and would like to.I take it i should just click the chat button on the menu and it should work or am i being a dumb ass and missing sommat?

:) Ta Danny


Actualy it seems ive already got java... tried updating now i get a white box and red cross *miffed* :? oh well i dont think its ment to work for me :lol: Anyway ta for the help.


Well-known member
I was gonna pop on for a sec and it turns out the same thing's happening to me. Somebody should get on that.

By the way, who owns this place

Indeed, it would appear that the Java client here isn't working for whatever reason.

Well, if you still want to get on you can connect with a standalone IRC client. mIRC seems to be a popular one: .

Once you've started that up, type "/server", then "/join #spw" and that will get you in.