Greetings from Artanis


Well-known member
Hi all,
I just heard about this forum today and thought I should stop by; I have Social Anxiety Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, and Love Shyness.

I'm a 25 year old guy who lives in Melbourne, Australia. I work in stock management and general retail stuff in a bookstore and I have a casual second job as a retail supervisor at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

I live alone having moved out of my parent's home less than a year ago, I'm addicted to escapism and have a phobia of rejection.

I'll get into the thorough details later somewhere...


Well-known member
Welcome man! I hope you find this place helpful.

Artanis said:
I have Social Anxiety Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, and Love Shyness.
I have the same power-trio... :/