great website with very excellent advice


Well-known member daily motivator. I found this website about a year ago as i typed in my search browser ''positive''. If you look this site over, you will find the usuall ''buy this-buy that'' merchandise and asking you to suscribe for daily emails to your box. NAHHHHHHHH....JUST VISIT THE SITE ON A DAILY BASIS AND READ THE FREE POSITIVE MESSAGE . Also, if you says ''browse our archive''....and it has daily messages going back to around 1995. After a year of mooching the daily free messages, i actually did buy 2 books this guy had wrote, and they are excellent..i often refer to them. I really hope some of you go to his website and read some of these daily positive thinking messages, for it helps me out tremendously with my days when i am not 100%. You can delay the internet porn for at least 2o mins and read something good that will change hopefully our distorted thinking! :) :wink:
:D Excellent is the word...

I found it very comforting and inspiring as well so thankyou for this and ive bookmarked it ...

THankyouuuuuuuuu :D


Well-known member
This site has been a real help for me. It's so reassuring knowing that you're not the only one that has to cope with SP.


Well-known member
8) i aggree this site helps a lot just to see so many people dealing with sa and talking about says it all at the top of the page "you are not alone" :roll: