Great website for hyperhidrosis

Come and join us in my new website,

Great people and we all share the same sweatyness of life having to live with hyperhidrosis.

I am hoping to have my part of the documentary (Sweaty betty, hidden lifes) on there very soon.

Cheers and hope to see you soon.

Sweaty Betty 07 :D


Well-known member
i was looking through the Hand HH section and there was a thread linking to a product called sweatblock, has anyone tried that yet?


New member
Is just for girls?

As you may have guessed, I am not of the female persuasion and am always on the lookout for more information and also to try and spread around the information I find.

To that end I created my own blog at the address in the signature. Come along and check it out and give me your opinion.
